Published March 2015  •  Updated August  2024  •  Read Time: 4 minutes
Celestine is a beautiful and fragile crystal.  The best specimens come from Madagascar and form large well-defined light-blue crystals. growing inside geodes. They are mined by hand in skinny vertical shafts, geodes are removed from the mine and then cracked open to see the crystals inside.  The blue color is delicate and can fade quickly if continually exposed to sunlight.  Celestine’s name comes from the Latin word caelestis which means “heavenly”.  It is beloved in the metaphysical community for it’s ethereal energy and soothing vibration.  It is a wonderful choice for connecting with the angelic realms and for sensing our Guardian Angels.

Close up of tumbled Celestite

Celestine Healing Energy

Spiritual Healing Properties

Celestine has an exceptionally high vibration that calls forth the Heavenly Host to guide and protect us. It sharpens our intuitive abilities and inner vision, as well as our ability to hear our Spirit Guides and messages from the Divine. Celestine is a stone of spiritual wisdom, which can guide us along our spiritual path, allowing us to advance steadily and understand more than we currently imagine possible. Celestine is a marvelous stone for meditation, prayer, and manifestation, and gently opens the Third Eye, increasing intuition and psychic connection.

Vibrations Celestine
Chakra Third Eye and Crown
Element Wind
Numerology 2 and 8
Zodiac Gemini

Emotional Healing Properties

Celestine has an incredibly soothing energy that gently leads us to feel uplifted and serene. It promises us that we are safe and protected and to let go of irrational fear and paranoia. Celestine is a pleasant stone, encouraging us to be likewise; patient, kind, and possessing a ready sense of humor. It brings hope when all seems in despair. Celestine brings good fortune and shows us that the path to freedom and joy is defined by acts of love and respect.

Mental Healing Properties

Celestine helps us to analyze complex ideas and integrate rational logic with intuition. It reveals the big picture so that we can fully comprehend a situation or idea and know the many different options with which we may approach it. Celestine is also extremely helpful for exploring and embracing ideas and events which defy our normal logic, such as miracles and other Divine happenings. Celestine also makes an exquisite gift for musicians, dancers, or anyone involved in the arts, as it unites creativity with a heady sense of spiritual bliss.

Physical Healing Properties

Celestine is recommended when we are worried and stressed because of problems with our body.  If we are in pain, Celestine helps us to stay calm and to consciously relax our muscles and let go of mental tension.  It reminds us that worrying never helps, and in fact it distracts us from the healing work which is actually beneficial.  If we fear the worst, Celestine shares its bright light of loving energy with us, cutting through the despair and giving us hope and self-confidence.  It reminds us that the worst rarely happens and that no matter what happens, we will get through it.  Celestine is a wonderful talisman for problems associated with the eyes, ears and throat.  It is also good for stress-related digestive problems, such as ulcers or elimination issues.

Geology of Celestine

Where does Celestine come from?

Large deposits of museum quality specimens of Celestine are found in Madagascar. Additional deposits are found in Austria, Britain, Canada, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Slovakia, and the United States (California and Ohio).

Mining and Treatments

Typically commercially mined in primary deposits. Celestite is one of the richest sources for Strontium, which is used to make the red color in fireworks and signal flairs.

All Celestine on the market are natural, enhanced only through tumbling, cutting, and polishing.

Celestine Placeholder

Do healing crystals speak to you?

At Moonrise Crystals our healing stones sing songs of peace and freedom.  That’s because they are truly ethically-sourced.  And that matters.

Mineral Family

Celestine is a beautiful Sulfate mineral. Sulfates are a group of minerals whose crystal structure has four Oxygen atoms forming a square with a Sulfur atom in the center. There are approximately 200 types of Sulfates, with Gypsum and Barite being very common and the rest being quite rare. Celestine is one of these rare varieties and can be colorless, white, light red, green, blue, or brown. The most desirable color is “heavenly” light blue.

Celestine’s energy works well with its family – other Sulfate minerals.  Try it in combination with Angelite, Barite, and Selenite

Celestine Formation and Crystal Associates

Most Celestine forms in sedimentary rocks such as Limestone, Dolomite, and Sandstone. Occasionally it forms in hydrothermal deposits. Well formed tabular crystals are one of the hallmarks of Celestite, with crystals more than 30 inches (75 cm) long having been found in some locations. Thick beds of Celestine are also common, with the largest being between 10-20 feet (3-6 meters) deep, found in California.

Celestine’s energy works well with its “friends” – crystal associates formed in the same geological environment.  Try it in combination with Calcite and Fluorite

Mineralogy Celestine
Chemical Formula SrSO4
Cleavage Perfect
Color Blue
Crystal System Orthorhombic
Form/Habit Tabular
Fracture Uneven
Hardness – Mohs Scale 3-3.5
Luminescence Blueish-white (long and short waves)
Luster Vitreous (glassy), Pearly on cleavage
Mineral Family Sulfates
Specific Gravity 3.97-4.0
Streak White
Transparency Transparent – translucent

History of Celestine

Celestine is a relatively “new” healing stone whose healing properties have only recently been explored. Its name comes from the Latin word caelestis, meaning “heavenly,” a word which refers to the light blue color of many collector’s specimens.

Celestine offers Divine Connection

Is this what you need? Trust your intuition 

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