Published July 2015  •  Updated April 2024  •  Read Time: 6 minutes
Cinabrite is a happy combination of white Scapolite and pink Thulite found only in Peru.  It was introduced to the metaphysical market in the 21st century.  It’s name is very similar to a highly-toxic mineral called Cinnabar which has a high mercury content.  Cinabrite however is completely safe to handle and use in crystal elixirs.  It was named after a southeast-Asian plant, Dracaena cinnabari, or “Dragon’s Blood” that is often used to make incense and red dyes.  Cinabrite is a stone of joyful independence and justice.  Its energy will give confidence to anyone who wants to change the world for the better.


Cinabrite Meaning

Spiritual Healing Properties

Cinabrite has a sweet questing energy that asks us to look deep within ourselves to find the answers we are seeking. It gives us insights into which parts of ourselves are already perfect and which parts need to be tweaked so that we can enjoy greater peace and happiness in our lives. Cinabrite reveals the divinity within us, our own perfection, and shows us that we contain all the power in the world inside us if we only dare to look closely. Cinabrite can also be used to help us to connect directly with our Highest Self and other spiritual guides such as angels.

Metaphysical Properties Cinabrite
Chakra Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, and Throat     .
Element Water and Wind
Numerology 1 and 5
Zodiac Taurus and Gemini

Emotional Healing Properties

Cinabrite is a stone for independence and courage. It reminds us that we are capable of changing ourselves and our world. It urges us, gently but firmly, to let go of any attachment to being a victim. Instead, it teaches us to acknowledge the past and present for what they are, and then actively spend our energy working to create a better future. Cinabrite gives us emotional endurance and clarity so that we can achieve our goals and stay the course. It also reminds us to keep a positive outlook and remain hopeful that, given time, Love, Truth, Justice, and Mercy will ultimately win.

Mental Healing Properties

Cinabrite nurtures our eloquence, sense of humor, creativity, and self-confidence. Under its influence we speak both logically and lovingly. It is a fantastic talisman for anyone involved in social justice groups, as well as public speakers, entertainers, writers, teachers, and anyone else who seeks to affect other people’s thoughts and actions. Cinabrite can only be used for good, and constantly reminds us that we must be truthful in our words and deeds. It also reminds us that life is a joyful thing, and that we must not let solemnity color our perceptions too often. Laughter is good medicine for both the heart and body, and it also serves to make new ideas more palatable and memorable.

Physical Healing Properties

Cinabrite is a very new stone and so has not been widely used for physical treatments. Its two primary mineral components, however, both have strong healing traditions. The white mineral, Scapolite, is believed to help quicken the recovery process after operations and also to provide relief from discomfort in the shoulders and upper body. The red mineral, Thulite, is said to help soothe intestinal disorders. Both minerals are commonly used by metaphysical healers to treat calcium deficiencies.

Explore crystals with similar energies

These crystals have an energy similar to Cinabrite

Cinabrite Mineralogy

Where does Cinabrite come from?

The only known deposit for Cinabrite is located in Peru.

Mining and Treatments

Because Cinabrite is so new to the market (it has been available in small quantities since 2012), little is known about the mining practices used to produce it. Considering its mineral family and formation, it is most likely a byproduct of the Calcite or Garnet mining industry in Peru.

All Cinabrites are natural, enhanced only by tumbling, cutting, and polishing.

Peru Placeholder

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Mineral Family

Cinabrite is not a single mineral, but rather a rock. As an easy way to understand the difference, think of rocks as being like cookies and minerals as being the ingredients which make up those cookies. Many different minerals are used to create a rock! Cinabrite is a metamorphic rock composed of mainly of Scapolite and Thulite (Pink Zoisite).  Lab tests show that it also includes Wairakite, a zeolite stone.

Cinabrite’s energy works well with its family – other metamorphic rocks.  Try it in combination with Atlantisite, Buddstone, Impactite, Nuummite, Picasso Marble, Que Sera, Scheelite LaceTiffany Stone, and Unakite

Cinabrite Formation and Crystal Associates

Cinabrite is a contact metamorphic rock. Contact metamorphism is the process by which a rock is changed by the pressure and extreme heat caused by a body of intruding magma. This interaction between the rock and magma often results in the formation of valuable minerals, such as Garnets and Zeolites, as well as Tanzanite, Scolecite, and Stilbite. In the case of Cinabrite, the original rock was most likely a Limestone, a sedimentary rock,  rich in the white mineral Scapolite. During the metamorphic process, Thulite, (pink Epidot), was created within the Limestone and combined with the Scapolite to produce Cinabrite.

Cinabrite’s energy works well with its “friends” – crystal associates formed in the same geological environment.  Try it in combination with Quartz

Mineralogy Cinabrite
Rock Type Metamorphic
Major Minerals Scapolite (white)
Minor Minerals Thulite (pink)
Color White with pink spots
Texture Prophyritic
Transparency Opaque

History of Cinabrite

Cinabrite was introduced to the commercial market in 2012 and so has only recently begun to reveal its powers to the larger metaphysical community. It was not included in any early lapidaries, texts that describe gemstones and their powers. We do know, however, that the origin of Cinabrite’s name is similar to that of the mineral Cinnabar. There are two possible etymological origins – both of which are fascinating.

The name may come from kinnabari which was the Greek word for brick-red Mercury Sulfide. This would make sense since Cinnabar is one of the major sources for natural Mercury. Because of its Mercury content, Cinnabar was widely used by mining communities worldwide prior to the middle of the 20th century. Mercury dissolves many minerals and thus was used to refine precious metals such as Gold. This refining process is now outlawed, but remains largely responsible for the Mercury poisoning inherent in many old mining areas. Cinnabar is highly toxic and should not be used in crystal elixirs or even placed against bare skin. By contrast, its more friendly cousin, Cinabrite, is completely safe and has no known toxicity.

The name might also be derived from the Persian zinjirfrah and Arabic zinjafr which mean “dragon’s blood.” (Interestingly, the Greek kinnabari was also used in the 14th-17th centuries to refer to a mythical combination of elephant and dragon’s blood used in spells!) The modern incense “Dragon’s Blood” comes from a plant native to South Asia, Dracaena cinnabari, which is also used to create red pigment for dyes. The toxic mineral, Cinnabar, has also been used to make vermilion dyes, although this practice has largely been replaced by a synthetic substitute.

There seems to have been a great deal of confusion in the pre-modern world about what to do if a spell called for Dragon’s Blood. Should the toxic mineral or the exotic plant be used? Which one of them was created as a result of mortal combat between dragons? The ancients never quite figured it out. (Modern witches would be advised to rely on the plant resin, or perhaps to experiment with the non-toxic Cinabrite!)

Dragon Fight, Cinabrite

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