The Color Yellow
Yellow healing crystals are bright and cheerful. They shine Light into the Darkness and reveal that we have nothing to fear or mourn. The color yellow represents happiness and a child-like innocence – our heart and mind filled with joyous wonder. Yellow minerals are incredibly uplifting and energetic, encouraging us to laugh more, play more, and be merry! They remind us to take ourselves less seriously and to pursue our goals with joy and a sense of adventure. Yellow healing stones invite us to step into our power and create our own myth.
Colors are perceived on a very deep level which goes far beyond the simple mechanics of seeing. Colors are not simply constructs of mere physics, but are also capable of making us feel emotions. Color theorists and marketing executives have long known that some colors energize, while others radiate a sense of serenity. The colors we surround ourselves with can dramatically affect our thoughts, choices, and general mood. When selecting healing crystals the color itself should be consciously and carefully considered in addition to all the other aspects of the stone.