Published July 2015  •  Updated August 2024  •  Read Time: 7 minutes
Crazy Lace Agate is a rare Agate found only in northern Mexico.  While most Agates have straight bands, Crazy Lace has wavy bands that spiral and bounce and go in every direction.  The best pieces are brightly colored, with vivid reds and yellows predominating.  It was formed at the end of the dinosaur era when Mexico was undergoing major geological changes which gave the stone is fun pattern.  Crazy Lace Agate has a joyful energy that reminds us to not sweat the small stuff and to play as much as we work.  It is a fantastic choice for anyone who wants to let go of negative thinking and start to enjoy the present moment more fully.

Close up of tumbled Crazy Lace Agate

Crazy Lace Agate Healing Energy

Spiritual Healing Properties

Crazy Lace Agate is a playful stone that joyful pushes us to approach the world with a sense of wonder, adventure and excitement. It teaches us that children, and those with a child-like heart, are closest to the Divine. It is a fantastic talisman for mystics who are in the midst of a zany love affair with the Divine and model themselves after such Perfect Masters as Hafiz and Rumi. Crazy Lace Agate encourages us to follow our own spiritual path and leave dogma behind.

Vibrations Crazy Lace Agate
Chakra Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus
Element Wind
Numerology 7
Zodiac Aries and Gemini

Emotional Healing Properties

Crazy Lace Agate inspires lifelong happiness and contentment. It reminds us to not sweat the small stuff and to know the difference between worries we can influence and worries that our outside of our control. It reminds us that in order to stay in balance, we have to be flexible, rather than rigid. Depending on the day, we may need to roll with the punches or we may need to relax our inhibitions and just dance. No matter the day, Crazy Lace Agate encourages us to enjoy the present moment as best we can. Like all Agates, Crazy Lace has a soothing and grounding energy that is subtle yet strong. It is a stone of faith and trust, helping us to know that we are supported in our lives by the Divine as well as by those who love us and have our best interests at heart. If we start to take ourselves too seriously, Crazy Lace Agate teases us until we loosen up. It reminds us that having a relaxed and cheerful attitude will always make life a little easier and more pleasant for one and all.

Mental Healing Properties

Crazy Lace Agate is a fantastic stone for anyone who is working on changing their thought patterns to a more positive vibration. It helps us to look at our belief systems objectively and laughingly dismiss those beliefs which no longer serve us. Crazy Lace Agate reminds us that we have the ability to change and shape our thoughts, and by so doing we change our reality. If we are in a mental fog or feel emotionally exhausted, it encourages us to take a break and shake it off. If we have a habit of constantly being busy and don’t have time to relax or play, Crazy Lace Agate will tease us relentlessly until our seriousness breaks. It reminds us that all work and no play, makes us dull and unhappy. Likewise, a rested mind and a contented soul, will always be more productive and creative.

Physical Healing Properties

Crazy Lace Agate reminds us that laughter is the best medicine. This isn’t just an old adage, laughter literally triggers the release of endorphins to relieve pain, decrease blood pressure and relax muscles. In the short term, laughter increases our intake of air, stimulating the heart and lungs. In the long term, it reduces the chemical stress reactions that weaken the immune system. So Crazy Lace Agate urges us to laugh long and laugh often for a happy and healthy life! Crazy Lace Agate is also a wise friend if we are feeling medically disempowered. It helps us to be our own healthcare advocate, rather than waiting for someone else to fix us or tell us what to do.

Geology of Crazy Lace Agate

Where does Crazy Lace Agate come from?

Agates are found all over the world.  The variety called Crazy Lace Agate is found only in Mexico, mainly near Mt. Sierra Santa Lucia in Chihuahua.

Mining and Treatments

Crazy Lace Agate is mined in it’s primary deposit in association with the igneous rock in which it formed.  Unusual for an Agate, it is the primary focus for a few small mines.  Agates are common minerals that not valuable enough to be the primary focus of any large-scale mining operation.  Normally Agates are mined in tandem with other precious metals and minerals in small-scale and artisanal mines, especially if the stones are particularly colorful or distinctive.  Crazy Lace Agate are particularly attractive and the deposit is large enough to make it economically worthwhile.


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Mineral Family

Crazy Lace Agate is a silicate mineral.  Silicates are minerals which contain the elements Silicon (a light gray shiny metal) and Oxygen (a colorless gas). There are six main groups of Silicate minerals, and these main groups are further subdivided into secondary subdivisions, such as Quartz and Feldspar. Quartz is divided into two main groups, macrocrystalline and microcrystalline.  Macrocrystalline quartz has well-formed crystals that are large enough to be seen by the naked eye, for example, Amethyst or Clear Quartz.  Microcrystalline quartz has crystals so small they can only be seen through a microscope.  These are typically grouped together under the name Chalcedony, or it’s subcategories Agate and Jasper.  Microcrystalline quartz can be colorless or appear in every shade of the rainbow.

Fire Agate’s energy works well with its family – other Agates.  Try it in combination with Apricot AgateBlue Lace AgateBotswana Agate, Dendritic Agate, Fire Agate, Gray AgateMoss AgateSardonyx, and Tree Agate.

Crazy Lace Agate Formation and Crystal Associates

Agates are created after a volcanic explosion has transformed magma and lava into igneous rock. During the cooling down period, various gases form bubbles, which then become hollow spaces in the igneous rock.  Agates are formed long afterwards, when silica-bearing water permeates the rocks and begins to fill the hollow spaces.  Sometimes the hollow fills quickly and the resulting Agate is a solid color or has a random scattering of trace inclusions.  Depending on which inclusions are added, the Agate will take on a variety of different colors, patterns and transparency levels.  Banded Agates are formed more slowly, with one layer of silica-water solidifying, before another layer is deposited on top.  This sequence is repeated over and over until the hollow is filled.  Some of the layers will have picked up different trace elements or different quantities of the same element, resulting in bands of different colors.  In the case of Crazy Lace Agate, later geological activity heated and soften the original agate and pushing and bending the bands into lacy pattern.

Crazy Lace Agate’s energy works well with its “friends” – crystal associates formed in the same geological environment.  Try it in combination with Muscovite, Rutilated Quartz, and Snow Quartz

Mineralogy Crazy Lace Agate
Chemical Formula SiO2
Cleavage None
Color Colorless and all colors
Crystal System Hexagonal/trigonal
Form/Habit Cryptocrystalline
Fracture Conchoidal
Hardness – Mohs Scale 7
Luminescence Green (long wave) / Yellowish-white (short wave)
Luster Vitreous
Mineral Family Tectosilicate
Specific Gravity 2.
Streak White
Transparency Translucent to opaque

History of Crazy Lace Agate

Agate has one of the oldest historical traditions of any healing stone. It is included in virtually every known lapidary, texts which describe gemstones and their powers. Archaeological evidence amply shows that Agates have been treasured since the very earliest times. Agates have been found in many Stone Age graves and appear to have been kept either for their beauty or, perhaps, for their energetic power. Early lapidaries, dating as far back as 3000 BCE, referenced seals, rings, beads, and other ornaments which were carved out of Agate. The Sumerians were the first to describe the power of stones, and their texts state that wearing Agate gave a person special favor with the gods.

The name “Agate” was first used by the Greek writer Theophrastus (372-287 BCE). He wrote that all Agates came from a Sicilian river then called the Achates River, and today known as the Dirillo River. Agates are still found along this river today. In the 1st century, Pliny the Elder (23-79 CE) repeated Theophrastus’ claim and further stated that looking at Agate rested the eyes and that sucking on a piece of Agate could quench thirst. As a result of these beliefs, Agate was still being prescribed by druggists for treating eye conditions as recently as the early 20th century.

Crazy Lace Agate was first documented in 1895, but weren’t actively mined until the mid-20th century. While most Agates in the region were formed roughly 38-44 million years ago, Crazy Lace is found exclusively in a limestone layer that dates back to the much older Cretaceous Age (90-64 million), the final period of the Dinosaur Era.  During the mid-Cretaceous, northern Mexico was covered by a series of shallow bays and swamps linked to the Sea of Tethys.  Vibrant estuaries and islands dotted the area, provided a home for wildlife.  Among them was Coahuilaceratops whose impressive four-foot horns were the longest of any horned dinosaur.  Tectonic uplift caused the waters to gradually recede, and the clay at the bottom of the bays turned into limestone, preserving fossils and forming agates.  Crazy Lace Agates shows that there must have been a great deal of geological activity in the region, since the layers in the stone have been pushed and pulled, forming unusual patterns rather than laying in simple straight lines.

Crazy Lace Agate offers Healing Laughter

Is this what you need? Trust your intuition 

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