Iolite is a crystal for air and wind that frees us from the lure of addition

Close of of tumbled Iolite, wooden background. Inside the Iolite there is a rainbow sparkle

At Moonrise Crystals we believe that there’s a crystal for every person and every situation. This Iolite was gifted to a very special person. They were nominated by someone who loves them very much.

She taught her daughter astrology. They’re both air signs you see – mom is a Gemini and her daughter’s an Aquarius and they share a passionate Scorpio moon.  This means they’ll always be moving, transforming, and reinventing themselves.  One day they’re here and the next day they’ll be somewhere else entirely.  It’s their nature to go where the winds take them.  Sometimes they’ll fly high and in control.  Other times, the tempest will catch them and send them hurdling far from home.  But they’ll come back eventually, when the winds blow them back.  It’s their nature and they must be true to it.

Throughout her daughter’s childhood, they spoke of magic and the natural world.  They explored the state park and examined all the rocks and nature’s treasures.  If her daughter was enchanted by the dark black rock (that was really a loose piece of asphalt) – no matter.  Magic is everywhere! They had to explore! They had to take joy in everything!

But demons from the past kept invading the mother’s present.  She fell into addiction and it stole her away from her daughter.  Overtime it was like the addiction became everything and nothing else mattered.  Ten years passed.  Until one day it was time to wake up and get clean.  It’s not an easy thing to do.  It’s hard to ignore the old siren’s calls.  But she did it and she’s doing it.  Because she’s worth it and her daughter is worth it.

Her daughter is a grown woman now.  When she graduated from college, her mom was proudly cheering from the bleachers.  It might seem like a little thing.  But it’s a big thing.  It’s everything.

The daughter is proud of her mother too.  She sees how strong she is and how fiercely she’s struggled to rise back up.  The daughter is happy to have her mom back in her life.  They’re still air signs with a Scorpio moon.  They’re still in-love with the natural world.  But now the daughter has discovered crystal healing.  Oh mom! There’s another kind of magic to explore!

Their Stone

Iolite is a crystal for air and wind that frees us from the lure of addition.  It helps us to be logical and compassionate and to find a straight and true course.  It brings out the best parts of ourselves and supports us in doing the right things which allow us to thrive.  Iolite invites us to ride the wind, but to be wise and keep our balance.  It helps us choose peace for our own heart’s sake, and also out of love for those we hold dearest.  Iolite encourages us to keep growing and transforming.  To keep moving forward, even when we are tempted to fall back.  Iolite helps us to find our grounding, when we feel ourselves falling off balance.  It gives us steady strength so that we can be the master of our own fate.  Iolite invites us to explore magic and mysteries.  It acts as a compass, always pointing towards peace and joy.

Healing, Mineralogy, and History

Published April 2018  •  Updated August 2024  •  Read Time: 7 minutes
Iolite is a gemology name for the mineral Cordierite.  Most Cordierite is dull grey or  brown, but on rare occasionally it forms fantastic blue-violet crystals.  These crystals often demonstrate pleochroism, an optical phenomenon in which an object appears to be different colors depending on which angle it is observed from. Iolites appear blue from most angles, but can be yellow or orange when viewed just right.  A skilled navigator can also use Iolite as a type of compass on cloudy days with remarkable accuracy.  Iolite helps us to see clearly and to know the truth beyond the surface.  Its energy  opens the Third Eye and reveals our true path. […]

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