Prasiolite is a powerful love stone

Prasiolite with a pink flowers

At Moonrise Crystals we believe that there’s a crystal for every person and every situation. This Prasiolite was gifted to a very special person. They were nominated by someone who loves them very much.

This week they’re celebrating their 6th month dating anniversary.  He means the world to her.

Can you believe a guy as great as this one, actually calls himself “average”?  It’s absurd! It’s adorably obtuse!  He’s amazing and somehow he doesn’t fully realize it yet.

She loves his sense of humor, he’s always making her laugh and smile.  She loves his nerdy side and boyish charm.  And beyond all that, she is grateful for the way he looks at her.  She shines so bright, because he doesn’t even notice or care about her flaws.  He sees her true beauty and it’s sunshine in his world.

Before she curled up inside his heart, he suffered from self-doubt and questioned his own worth.  But now he’s starting to see his true self reflecting back on him.  All he has to do, is gaze into her eyes.  She looks at him with unbridled love and unconditional support.  She’s his #1 fan.  Over these last few months he’s really started coming out of his shell.  That’s what happens when two soul mates find each other.

May they always see each other so truly.  May they always find love in each other’s eyes.

Their Stone

Prasiolite is a powerful love stone.  It celebrates the love between lovers as well as the love we give ourselves.  Prasiolite transforms us into our Highest Self.  It helps us realize we are uniquely good and worthy.  It helps us to act with love and wisdom in all of the choices we make.  Prasiolite sings of True Love, a love that is kind and fun to be around.  The kind of love that makes us choose to stay and grow together.  Prasiolite reminds us of the people who honor and respect us.  It invites us to lean in towards those people who give us unconditional love simply because they like us deep down where it matters most.  Prasiolite encourages us to trust that love and let it guide us forward.  Towards happiness.  Towards peace.   Towards a thousand unexpected blessings.

Healing, Mineralogy, and History

Published January 2015  •  Updated August 2024  •  Read Time: 6 minutes
Prasiolite is a rare green Quartz that is often sold under the name “Green Amethyst.”  It is typically a pastel yellowish-green, rather than a bright green like an Emerald.  Most of the Prasiolite on the market comes from Brazil and has been heat-treated.  It is one of the least-known Quartz varieties, only serious collectors and crystal healers are likely to be familiar with it.  But Prasiolite is a very sweet heart chakra stone that is well worth seeking out.  It’s energy is very personal, concerned more with matters of romance and self-love, rather than universal love.  It is a great stone to take to therapy, since it encourages both self-compassion and self-awareness. […]

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