At first the shock and the noise of people kept the grief at bay. Only a few weeks ago, on their 7th wedding anniversary, her beloved husband suddenly passed away. There was immediate and practical matters to attend to, which distracted her for awhile. She’s a strong and gracious woman and, at least in public, refuses to let grief overwhelm her. Her husband’s spirit lingers near her; comforting her and helping her to go on. He will always be with her and she will always be loved. So she puts up a brave front and tells everyone she’s doing alright.
Life has gone back to normal for everyone else. But one dear friend is watching her closely. She has every confidence that her friend will be just fine in time. But the grief is still tender and Valentine’s Day is approaching. Holidays like this can break a heart all over again. It’s good to be prepared for whatever wave of emotion might come.
Their Stone
Danburite has a very soft and kind energy, which comforts us during times of grief. It helps us feel close to our lost loved ones and to know that we will meet again. It offers us boundless compassion, whispering directly into our heart that it’s okay to feel sad, angry, numb or confused and that when we are ready, it’s also alright to feel peace and joy again. Danburite helps us to move forward at our own pace and to trust in our own healing journey. It gives us patience and courage, while also showing us reasons to smile and laugh. Danburite reminds us that we are loved by many people and that our beautiful presence is a gift to the world.
Healing, Mineralogy, and History
Published June 2017 • Updated August 2024 • Read Time: 5 minutes
Danburite is a lovely crystal that looks similar to Quartz. But while Quartz crystals grow in pointed pyramids, Danburite has a blunted wedge-like shape and is slightly harder, similar to a Topaz. It is usually white or colorless, but occasionally can be yellow or pink. It was first documented in Danbury Connecticut, USA and was named after the town by a professor at nearby Yale University. In the 20th century it became popular with metaphysical healers who noticed its high and sweet vibration. It is a stone of peace and Light. It is a favorite among reiki practitioners who channel Light either by laying-on-of-hands or through distance-healing. […]