Published September 2016  •  Updated August 2024  •  Read Time: 6 minutes
Eudialyte is rosy red mineral that grows in igneous rocks.  It is principally mined as a minor ore for Zirconium, but some pretty crystals are set aside for the collector’s market.  It contains a tiny amount of Uranium, a fact which worries some crystal healers, but does not at alarm geologists who understand the scale and scope.  Most of the Eudialyte on the market comes from the far North, including Canada, Greenland and Russia, and its associated with legends from the indigenous peoples near the arctic.  Eudialyte is a stone of courage and self-love.  Its energy encourages us to have good boundaries and to resist self-destructive behaviors and habits.

Close up of tumbled Eudialtyte

Eudialyte Healing Energy

Spiritual Healing Properties

Eudialyte invites us to see ourselves through the eyes of the Divine and to know ourselves to be truly beautiful, worthy, and capable of following our Hearts’ Path.  Eudialyte activates our life force and opens our heart, linking them directly together so that we are inspired to greatness.  It teaches us to recognize and honor our gifts and to share them with the world.  Eudialyte is an excellent stone for manifesting abundance and moving from merely surviving into truly thriving.

Vibrations Eudialyte
Chakra Root and Heart
Element Earth and Water
Numerology 8
Zodiac Virgo

Emotional Healing Properties

Eudialyte encourages us to have a warrior spirit and to recognize our own bravery and excellent self-worth.  It helps us to be present in the moment and to feel hopeful for the future.  Eudialyte vanquishes fear, softens sorrow, and dissolves scarcity-thinking. It helps us to remove any emotional blocks which prevents us from moving forward in a positive direction.  Eudialyte encourages us to be generous with our love, money, time and other resources.  But never to the point where it is detrimental to our own health and well-being!  Instead Eudialyte teaches us to give from a place of abundance and love, while also having sensible and strong boundaries.  During times of conflict, Eudialyte helps us to resolve issues quickly and fairly and then return to a state of emotional harmony and peace.

Mental Healing Properties

Eudialyte teaches us to think clearly and proactively.  It helps us resist the urge to engage in destructive self-criticism.  It erases boredom and invites us to be more curious, creative and intellectual engaged.  Eudialyte is an excellent stone for anyone who wants to change the world, such as social activists, entrepreneurs and other dreamers and risk-takers.  It is also an excellent stone for anyone with a hectic lifestyle who needs to pause and re-assess priorities and activities.  Eudialyte helps us to dismiss activities and tasks which are not necessary and to work more effectively on the rest.  It also invites us to better enjoy the process – to enjoy the mental stimulation of working towards a goal and finding satisfaction in a job well done.  Eudialyte unites our life force with our heart so that our work is a pleasure and our work is indeed love made visible.

Physical Healing Properties

Eudialyte encourages us to be body-positive and not engage in shame or guilt about our outer appearance.  It asks us to be more loving towards our own body and to pay more attention to the parts that we like, rather than fixating on so-called “flaws.” It is also a very powerful talisman for anyone who is hovering on the edge of life and death.  For the elderly or critically ill, it can help ease the passage between life and death, and to enable a person to die with dignity.  Conversely, for premature babies and critically-ill young people it can it offers strength and stability to helps us stay here.  Eudialyte is also a good talisman for the pancreas and nervous system disorders such as  ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease.

Geology of Eudialyte

Where does Eudialyte come from?

Eudialyte is mainly mined in Canada, Greenland and Russia. Additional deposits are located in Brazil, Guinea, Madagascar, Namibia, Norway, South Africa, Sweden and the United States (Arkansas).

Mining and Treatments

Eudialyte is mainly mined as a minor ore for Zirconium and rare earth metals. Occasionally gemstone quality crystals are found for jewelers and collectors.

All Eudialyte may be considered fully natural, enhanced only by tumbling, cutting, or polishing.

Eudialyte Placeholder

Do healing crystals speak to you?

At Moonrise Crystals our healing stones sing songs of peace and freedom.  That’s because they are truly ethically-sourced.  And that matters.

Mineral Family

Eudialyte is a Cyclosilicate mineral.  Silicates are minerals which contain the elements Silicon (a light gray shiny metal) and Oxygen (a colorless gas). Together, these two elements form a tetrahedron – a shape similar to a pyramid – with a Silicon atom in the center and Oxygen atoms at each of the four corners. These tetrahedra connect with other chemical structures, in six different ways, to form various minerals and rocks. There are six main groups of Silicate minerals. Eudialyte belongs to the Cyclosilicate group.  The Eudialyte sold on the market may in fact be Eudialyte, but it is could be another member of the Eudialyte group, which contains over 30 very closely-related minerals with a similar chemical formula.  Eudialyte is by far the most well-known member.

Eudialyte’s energy works well with its family – other Cyclosilicate minerals.  Try it in combination with Aquamarine, Dioptase, EmeraldIolite, Morganite, Sugilite, and Tourmaline

Eudialyte Formation and Crystal Associates

Eudialyte is formed in silica-poor but alkaline-rich igneous rocks.  These types of rocks appear in areas of continental rifting, where two tectonic plates are moving away from one another, creating a valley.  These areas tend to have active volcanos.  In other cases, these rocks are due to the presence of a hot spot, an unusually hot position on the Earth that is separate from tectonic plates, such as the Hawaiian islands and Yellowstone.  It is thought that a hotspot on the Kola Pinnensula of Russia is responsible for the Eudialytes that formed in Russia and in nearby Scandinavian countries.

Eudialyte’s energy works well with its “friends” – crystal associates formed in the same geological environment.  Try it in combination Amazonite

Is Eudialyte radioactive?

Eudialyte contains a trace of Uranium, a fact which worries some crystal healers.  But the dosage is laughably small.  Holding  a tumbled Eudialyte, which has minor radioactive elements for 4 hours will expose a person to .1 mrems of radioactivity. This is comparable to eating a banana, which are also mildly-radioactive due to the potassium content. For perspective, radiologists who work in a hospital can be safely exposed to 50,000 mrems every year. A lethal dose of radiation is 500,000 mrems.

Mineralogy Eudialyte
Chemical Formula Na15Ca6(Fe,Mn)3Zr3SiO(O,OH,H2O)3 (Si3O9)2(Si9O27)2(OH,Cl)2
Cleavage Perfect
Color Varies, mainly red, but can also be yellow, brown violet or green
Crystal System Triagonal
Form/Habit Prismatic to uneven
Fracture Uneven
Hardness – Mohs Scale 5-6
Luminescence None
Luster Vitreous
Mineral Family Cyclosilicates
Specific Gravity 2.74-3.1
Streak White to pale pink
Transparency Transparent to opaque

History of Eudialyte

Eudialyte is a relative new stone for the metaphysical community and as such is not included in any of the older lapidaries, texts that describe gemstones and their powers.  It’s name comes from the Greek, eu dialytos meaning “well decomposable” a reference to the fact that this mineral readily dissolves in acid.  Eudialyte was formally described in 1819 from a deposit in Greenland.  Other significant deposits were soon identified on the Kola Peninsula of Russia and on Mont Sainte-Hilaire in Quebec, Canada.  More recently, Eudialyte deposits have been found in Brazil, various countries in southern Africa, and in Arkansas, USA.

The Sami, the indigenous people of the Arctic Circle, whose territory includes the Kola Penninsula of Russia as well as northern Finland, Norway, and Sweden, have known about Eudialyte for many centuries.  To them, Eudialyte’s proper name is “Sami Blood”.  According to Sami folklore, once upon a time the Sami fought with Swedish soldiers and many of Sami were killed.  Their blood was scattered across the tundra were the battle took place.  This blood froze and formed the beautiful red stone.

Sami man in traditional fur outfit with white reindeer, standing in a snowy field.

Eudialyte offers Loving Kindness

Is this what you need? Trust your intuition 

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