Published September 2016  •  Updated February 2024  •  Read Time: 6 minutes
Fluorite comes in every shade of the rainbow.  “Pure” Fluorite is actually colorless, but trace inclusions and radiation will give it various colors.  Green is one of the more common shades.  In the healing crystal industry, when someone mentions Fluorite’s energy, they usually mean green or purple, or the two colors layered together.  Green Fluorite is a wonderful stone for heart chakra and for organization.  When life feels chaotic and out of control, Fluorite helps us to find a starting place and start cleaning up.  The green variety is especially good when our relationships feel out of balance and its time to regroup and find a new balance.

Blue Green Fluorite

Green Fluorite Meaning

Spiritual Healing Properties

All colors of Fluorite energize our mind and spirit, swiftly shifting us into a positive state of being, able to focus our energies appropriately.  It helps us to assess situations correctly and determine what is needed and how to use our gifts for the Greatest Good, both for ourselves and for the world at large.  Fluorite celebrates individuality, reducing the power of outside influences and encouraging us to take control of our own lives.  It encourage us to make decisions and create practical systems so that we can stay stable and grounded, while living dynamic and creative lives.

Metaphysical Properties Green Fluorite
Chakra Heart
Element Wind
Numerology 2
Zodiac  Capricorn and Pisces

Emotional Healing Properties

Fluorite has a stabilizing effect on the emotions. It helps us to work through confusion and disorganization, by encouraging us to “think” our way through our emotions, rather than just be mindlessly lost in them. Fluorite also encourages us to stay in the present moment and to make good plans for the future so that we are able to be courageous in the face of the unknown. Fluorite is excellent for keeping relationships balanced and stable.  Green Fluorite in particular, helps us to stay heart-centered, despite any emotional chaos we may be feeling.

Mental Healing Properties

Fluorite is a stone that dissolves chaos and biases. It removes mental and creative blocks and helps us to let go of narrow-minded thinking and limiting behavioral patterns. Fluorite makes a wonderful tool for scholars, since its organizational energies make it easy to cross-reference existing knowledge and rapidly absorb new information. Fluorite is one of the best stones for cultivating discernment and understanding how our energies can best be used.  Green Fluorite is particularly good for releasing old habits and obsolete patterns that not longer serve us.

Physical Healing Properties

Green Fluorite is recommended when we are feeling uncomfortable and out-of-balance in our body and in life in general.  It encourages us to pause and assess if we are neglecting our physical needs.  For example are we too hot and slightly dehydrated, or are we tired from poor sleep or working too much, or have we been sitting by ourselves too long and need to get up and move?  Likewise, if we are a little sick, with a stomach ache or sore throat, Green Fluorite encourages us to pay attention to our body and do whatever is needed to sooth and restore it.  Green Fluorite teases us if we are being silly neglectful children, and encourages us to act like sensible adults and take good care of ourselves.  Fluorite in general is a lovely talisman for any problem associated with the teeth, nails and joints.  Green Fluorite in particular is a good talisman for improving posture and mobility as well as for stomach cramps and intestinal problems.

Explore crystals with similar energies

These crystals have an energy similar to Green Fluorite

Green Fluorite Mineralogy

Where does Green Fluorite come from?

Fluorite is found in many different colors worldwide, with green being a relatively common color.  Notable deposits for vivid Green Fluorite are in Austria, Canada, China, France, Germany, Great Britain, Mexico, Morocco, Namibia, Pakistan, Portugal, Russia, and the United States.

Mining and Treatments

Fluorite is primarily mined alongside Silver and Lead, as a part of the rock surrounding the ores, or in Granite and Marble mines.  Fluorite is used industrially to make high-octane fuel, hydrofluoric acid, and opaque glass, as well as for refining Aluminum and Lead. Fluorite is also the source for Fluorine, used to fluoridate water and to provide the nonstick quality in Teflon pans. With its vivid colors, it would be expected to be a popular gemstone, however its softness and fragility make it less desirable for use in jewelry.

All Fluorites are natural, enhanced only through cutting and polishing.

Green Fluorite Placeholder
Green Fluorite

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Mineral Family

Fluorite belongs to the Halide mineral family, a group of minerals which consists of metals combined with common halogen elements. The most famous member of the Halide family is Halite – better known as common table salt!  Fluorite is the second most well-known, and is found worldwide in a rainbow of bright colors.

Green Fluorite’s energy works well with its family – other Halide minerals.  Try it in combination with Tiffany Stone.  Or try it with different colors: Blue, Rainbow, and Yellow.

Green Fluorite Formation and Crystal Associates

Fluorite is a “simple” Halide, which is created when a metal combines with Calcium and Fluorine in a water-soluble solution. It can be formed in primary, secondary, and even tertiary processes. It is most often found as a vein mineral running through Lead and Silver ores. It also occurs in pegmatite cavities, in sedimentary rocks, and around hot springs. Purple, green, and yellow are the most common colors, although colorless, blue,  pink, red, and black specimens are also found. In multi-colored Fluorites, each color stays in a distinct zone within the same crystal, following the contour of the crystal face.

Green Fluorite’s energy works well with its “friends” – crystal associates formed in the same geological environment.  Try it in combination with Barite, Calcite, Galena, Rhodochrosite, and Snow Quartz.

Mineralogy Green Fluorite
Chemical Formula CaF2
Cleavage Perfect
Color Green
Crystal System Cubic
Form/Habit Cubic, octahedral
Fracture Flat conchoidal
Hardness – Mohs Scale 4 (Fluorite is the Moh’s scale ‘defining mineral’ for 4)
Luminescence Blue, very strong (long wave) / Blue (short wave)
Luster Vitreous
Mineral Family Halide
Specific Gravity 3.00-3.25
Streak White
Transparency Transparent to translucent

History of Green Fluorite

Fluorite comes in every shade of the rainbow, and has only been recognized as a distinct mineral since the eighteenth century, making it difficult to establish any ancient and medieval healing traditions. While it is not clearly included in ancient and medieval lapidaries, Fluorite is listed in virtually all modern lapidaries.  Some of these lapidaries simply list Fluorite as a single stone, while others include passages for each distinct color.

For most of its history, Fluorite was lumped in with other stones that easily break, such as Calcite, or with stones that help ore reach its melting point more quickly. The name Fluorite comes from the Latin fluere, meaning “to flow.” This is a reference to how easily Fluorite melts when exposed to hot temperatures. Since Fluorite is often found with valuable metals, such as Silver, it is often seen in its liquid form during the smelting process used to refine metals. In 1852, Fluorite was responsible for first demonstrating the phenomenon of fluorescence  – a bright glow that some objects emit when exposed to ultraviolet light (black light). It was at this point that Fluorite was recognized as a distinct mineral, and it immediately became a favorite stone for natural history museums and collectors of all sorts.

Fluorescent Minerals, Fluorite

Fluorescent minerals under UV light

Green is one of the most common shades of Fluorite.  Pure Fluorite is actually colorless, the many different colors are caused by a combination of trace impurities and radiation. Most of the time, Fluorite crystals usually form in a single uniform color, but sometimes they produce multiple shades, next to or on laying on top of each other.  Green Fluorite is frequently found in Rainbow Fluorite.  The color combination often gives experts a clue about where the crystal came from.  For example, in China, Green Fluorite is striped with dark purple.  In Argentina, it’s mixed with a vibrant yellow.

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