Published June 2014  •  Updated August 2024  •  Read Time: 7 minutes
Hawk’s Eye, Falcon’s Eye, Blue Tiger’s Eye and Blue Asbestos are all marketing names for Crocidolite.  The dark blue mineral is rare and can grow in several different forms, the most famous being a fibrous form found in South Africa.  In this deposit, the Crocidolite is in the process of being replaced by Quartz and transformed into Gold Tiger’s Eye.  Sometimes Hawk’s Eye is fully blue, but it’s not uncommon to find pieces streaked with a little bit of golden-brown.  Hawk’s Eye is a fantastic stone for personal transformation and for seeing the “big picture.”  It is a stone of clarity and vision that can help us create a detailed plan to ensure success.

Close up of tumbled Hawk's Eye

Hawks Eye Healing Energy

Spiritual Healing Properties

Hawk’s Eye teaches our souls to fly and our visions to be sharp and true. It heightens our sense of intuition and increases certain psychic abilities such as clairvoyance. Hawk’s Eye is a good ally when doing intense personal work, particularly exploring the impact of past lives or our younger years on our current life.  It helps us to see patterns and draw sensible conclusions.  It helps us to break free from the chains of the past and to look to the future with calm confidence.  It is wonderful stone for the third eye chakra, especially for anyone who tends to be more grounded and wants to explore a different aspect of reality.  It can help us to see how the physical and the spiritual realms are connected.  It sings “as above, so below” and “as within, so without.”

Vibrations Hawk’s Eye
Chakra Solar Plexus, Root and Third Eye
Element Fire and Earth
Numerology 4
Zodiac Capricorn

Emotional Healing Properties

Hawk’s Eye helps us to dissolve negative emotional patterns and let go of stress. It encourages optimism and taking personal responsibility for ourselves and the situations we create. Hawk’s Eye is a calming stone that helps to cool quick tempers and the urge to over-react and blame others. It teaches moderation and balance as a path to personal success.  If we feel imbalanced, it helps us to see where the imbalance lies and how to correct it.  If we have to be imbalanced for awhile because of a situation, Hawk’s Eye helps us to tolerate it in the meantime, but then return to balance as soon as the situation shifts.  When we feel sad, Hawk’s Eye brings lightness and hope, helping us to trust ourselves and to have faith that everything will work out for the best.  For highly sensitive people, Hawk’s Eye can help create and maintain strong energetic boundaries so that other peoples’ emotions doesn’t impact us so strongly.  It can also help us to stay calm and focused in situations that might cause sensory-overload.

Mental Healing Properties

Hawk’s Eye is a marvelous stone for clarity.  It helps us to see both the details and the “big picture” and to unify them into a cohesive whole.  It encourages us to think intelligently and to not believe everything we hear or  see on the outraged news.  Hawk’s Eye invites us to think calmly and logically, and to check if something makes sense before we give into any strong emotional reactions.  It is a great choice for intellectual pursuits and can help us to understand sophisticated ideas.  It also encourages diplomacy and helps in creating positive alliances which can help us create win-win situations.  It would be an ideal stone for anyone pursuing a political career or taking on a leadership role.

Physical Healing Properties

Hawk’s Eye is recommended for clear-seeing.  Instead of ignoring health problems or avoiding treatments, Hawk’s Eye helps us to see the problem, see the solution, and to get it handled immediately.  It has a no-nonsense energy that is soothing during a major crisis or whenever we feel overwhelmed and anxious.  It helps us to be practical and able to prioritize what needs to happen now and to know what can wait until later.  It has a calm and in control vibration that can help us to relax and stay cool under pressure.  If we are in pain, it can help us to endure it and to find relief as quickly as possible. Hawk’s Eye is an excellent talisman for the eyes, as well as for the adrenal glands.

Geology of Hawks Eye

Where does Hawks Eye come from?

Crocidolite, better known as Hawk’s Eye or Blue Tigers Eye comes primarily from South Africa.  Smaller deposits have been found in Australia, Bolivia and the United States.

Mining and Treatments

Hawk’s Eye is mined at its primary deposits in open pit mines.

Hawk’s Eye and Gold Tiger’s Eye are both fully natural, enhanced only by cutting and polishing.  By contrast, Red Tigers Eye is often heat-treated.

Hawks Eye Placeholder
Hawks Eye

Do healing crystals speak to you?

At Moonrise Crystals our healing stones sing songs of peace and freedom.  That’s because they are truly ethically-sourced.  And that matters.

Mineral Family

Hawk’s Eye is a marketing name from the mineral Crocidolite, a rare single-chain inosilicate mineral.  Silicates are minerals which contain the elements Silicon (a light gray shiny metal) and Oxygen (a colorless gas). Together, these two elements form a tetrahedron – a shape similar to a pyramid – with a Silicon atom in the center and Oxygen atoms at each of the four corners. These tetrahedra connect with other chemical structures, in six different ways, to form various minerals and rocks. One way the tetrahedra can connect is in long single chains.  In South Africa, the Crocidolite is often called Hawk’s Eye or Blue Tiger’s Eye.  In Zimbabwe, it is grey and called Cat’s Eye or Cat’s Eye Quartz.

Hawk’s Eye’s energy works well with its family – other single-chain inosilicate minerals.  Try it in combination with CharoiteDiopside, Hiddenite, JaditeKunziteLarimar, Rhodonite and Shattuckite.

Hawks Eye Formation and Crystal Associates

Crocidolite is a sodium-rich mineral that can form long prismatic crystals in granite or a massive fibrous form in banded iron formations in sedimentary rocks.  The fibrous form is sometimes called Hawk’s Eye.  In South Africa, Crocidolite is found in the Transvaal Basin.  In this deposit, the Hawk’s Eye is in the process of being replaced with Quartz, transforming it into Gold Tigers Eye.  Some specimens are partially gold and blue, in which the geological transformation can be seen firsthand.

Hawk’s Eye’s energy works well with its “friends” – crystal associates formed in the same geological environment.  Try it in combination with Gold Tiger’s Eye, Hematite and Red Tiger’s Eye

Mineralogy Hawks Eye
Chemical Formula [Na2][Z2+3Fe3+2]Si8O22(OH,F,Cl)2
Cleavage Perfect
Color Blue
Crystal System Monoclinic
Form/Habit Fibrous
Fracture Conchoidal to uneven
Hardness – Mohs Scale 6.5-7
Luminescence None
Luster Silky
Mineral Family Tectosilicate
Specific Gravity 3.28-3.44
Streak Blueish-grey
Transparency Opaque

History of Hawks Eye

In the healing crystal industry, Crocidolite is more commonly known as Hawk’s Eye, Falcon’s Eye or Blue Tiger’s Eye.  It was not included in early lapidaries, texts which describe gemstones and their powers. Their energies were first documented in the 20th century, alongside Gold Tigers Eye and Red Tiger’s Eye.  All three are famous for the way the stones reflect light when polished. This trait is known in geology as “chatoyancy.”  The term “chatoyant” is a combination of the French words for “cat” and “eye.”

Hawk’s Eye and Gold Tiger’s Eye were originally collected in 1803 by Martin Hinrich Lichtenstein (1780-1857), a naturalist, explorer and the personal physician to the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope.  At that time, South Africa was a European colony, sometimes controlled by the Dutch and sometimes by the English.  Lichtenstein was the first European to collect several minerals, plants and animals endemic to the area.  The animals he examined and described personally, the plants and mineral were sent to experts in Europe for analysis.  Today, those minerals can be found in the Natural History Museum in Berlin.

Hawks Eye offers Clear Vision

Is this what you need? Trust your intuition 

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