Published November 2021  •  Updated August 2024  •  Read Time: 8 minutes
Imperial Topaz is a title given to the most vividly-colored yellow or pink Topaz.  Most natural Topaz is colorless or has a pale color, but heat-treated Topaz is commonly sold in jewelry stores.  Most Blue Topaz, and much of the yellow and pink Topaz on the market has been treated.  Real imperial Topaz is rare and delightful! The original gems was mined in the Ural mountains of Russia and was pink and pink-orange.  Most natural yellow-orange Topaz comes from mines in Brazil.  Energetically these Topaz are happy and mellow, encouraging us to relax and enjoy all the goodness that life has to offer. It is a wonderful stone for attracting good friends and lovers.

Imperial Topaz

Imperial Topaz Healing Energy

Spiritual Healing Properties

Imperial Topaz has a wonderful energy – warm and expansive, yet mellow and peaceful. It helps us to recharge and rebalance when we feel overworked or overwhelmed. Imperial Topaz cleanses the aura and clears all the meredians, so that we feel fresh and revitalized. It is one of the most powerful stones for manifestation. It shows us how to receive from the universe with sweet appreciation, while also taking action to make our dreams come true. Imperial Topaz reveals all situations realistically, so that we can concentrate on what’s truly important. It gives us the courage to align ourselves with the Divine. It invites us to be an instrument of peace that Divine Will works through to make miracles happen and to create more joy and peace in the world. Imperial Topaz encourages philanthropy and acts of charity.

Vibrations Imperial Topaz
Chakra Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus and Crown
Element Fire
Numerology 6 and 9
Zodiac Leo, Sagittarius and Pisces

Emotional Healing Properties

Imperial Topaz has a peaceful and light-hearted vibration that attracts good friends and good lovers. If we’ve struggled with friendship or love in the past, Imperial Topaz helps us examine the past calmly and logically. It helps us to notice any negative patterns or attractions, and then make real changes to end that cycle and create a happier future for ourselves. Imperial Topaz encourages healthy boundaries and helps us be attracted to the people who are good for us. It is a wonderful stone for anyone who dares to love again and wants to live open-hearted. It encourages self-confidence and emotional generosity. Imperial Topaz is also excellent for anyone famous who wants to enjoy the perks of fame, while still staying grounded. It helps us to ignore ‘yes men’ who speak only to our ego, and instead to pay close attention to our real friends who have our best interest at heart.

Mental Healing Properties

Imperial Topaz attracts wealth and success. It is highly recommended for entreprenuers or creative souls with big dreams. It helps us to be logical, recognize and overcome limitations and to creatively problem-solve. It also attracts excellent business partners. If we are feeling frustrated or insecure, Imperial Topaz shows us a more realistic perspective and helps us to know what our next step needs to be. Imperials Topaz reveals both the big picture and the tiny details, and how they all interrelate. It encourages us to trust that we will do everything we can to the best of our ability, and that ultimately all will be well.

Physical Healing Properties

Topaz is recommended for anyone who feels anxious or insecure about their physically appereance. It encourages us to love and be proud of our body as it is, while also remembering to take good care of it. If we’ve developed unhealthy habits, especially around food, Imperial Topaz helps us to be honest about the situation and to make positive changes. Imperial Topaz acts as a fantastic reminder to pay attention when we are eating and to truly taste the food. It invites us to enjoy each meal and to notice how it feels when we’re eating and how it feels later on too. Imperial Topaz asks us to pay attention to what is happening and then shift our habits as needed for good mental and physical health. Imperial Topaz also makes an excellent talisman for the stomach, liver, and gallbladder.

Geology of Imperial Topaz

Where does Imperial Topaz come from?

Topaz is found in many countries.  Imperial Topaz is mainly found in Brazil and Pakistan.

Mining and Treatments

Topaz is typically found in its primary deposit inside cavities in Rhyolite, Granite, and other igneous rocks. On occasion, Topaz may also be found in secondary alluvial deposits, as water tumbled pebbles.

Topaz is regularly heat-treated to bring out a different or more brilliant color. Most Topaz is blue, yellow, or colorless. The more rare colors, such as pink, are usually heat-treated yellow Topaz. Similarly, vivid bright blue Topaz is often heat-treated colorless Topaz.  Pale hues of Topaz are reliably natural, enhanced only by cutting and polishing.

Imperial Topaz Placeholder
Imperial Topaz

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Mineral Family

Topaz is a nesosilicate mineral.  Silicates are minerals which contain the elements silicon (a light gray shiny metal) and oxygen (a colorless gas). Together, these two elements form a tetrahedron – a shape similar to a pyramid – with a silicon atom in the center and oxygen atoms at each of the four corners. These tetrahedra connect with other chemical structures, in six different ways, to form various minerals and rocks. There are six main groups of Silicate minerals. Topaz belongs to the nesosilicates group, in which the Silicate tetrahedra are not directly attached to each other.

Imperial Topaz’s energy works well with its family – other nesosilicate minerals.  Try it in combination with ChiastoliteDumortierite, Garnet (AlmandineGrossularHessoniteRhodoliteUvarovite), Kyanite and Peridot

Imperial Topaz Formation and Crystal Associates

Topaz is created by fluorite-bearing vapors during the final stages of the crystallization of igneous rocks, especially granite and rhyolite.  It is typically a colorless gem, but trace minerals can add color.  If the color is vivid enough, it is often called an Imperial Topaz.  Originally that title was reserved for vivid orange-yellow Topaz, but today the title is also used for vivid pink gems.  By contrast, Blue Topaz is always identified by its color.

Imperial Topaz’s energy works well with its “friends” – crystal associates formed in the same geological environment.  Try it in combination with Fluorite, Fuchsite, Hematite, Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, and Tourmaline

Mineralogy Imperial Topaz
Chemical Formula AL2 SiO4 (F, OH)2
Cleavage Perfect
Color Typically orange, can also be vivid pink
Crystal System Orthorhombic
Form/Habit Prismatic
Fracture Subconchoidal to uneven
Hardness – Mohs Scale 8
Luminescence Orange (long wave) / Greenish-white (short wave)
Luster Vitreous
Mineral Family Garnet Group
Specific Gravity 3.4-3.6
Streak Colorless
Transparency Transparent to translucent

History of Imperial Topaz

Topaz has a complex history, and is often confused with other gemstones. Prior to the modern era, the name Topaz was used primarily to describe yellow or orange colored stones, but today we know the stone comes in a rainbow of colors, both natural and heat-enhanced.  The various colors of Topaz have been explored by metaphysical healers relatively recently so there are no known myths or stories associated with them.

The name Topaz has two possible origins. It may come from an island in the Red Seas, which during the Roman era was called Topazios, but today is called Zabargad. This island was famous during the Roman Era for its Peridot mines, but did not produce any Topaz stones. The name Topazios comes from the Greek word “to guess”, likely a reference to the fact that the island is often shrouded and hidden by fog. Alternatively, it may come from the Sanskrit topas, meaning “fire.” Prior to the advent of modern mineralogy, most references to Topaz described it as a golden or orange colored stone, so the fire reference makes sense.

Though Topaz is occasionally mentioned in early lapidaries, few of these texts list any healing properties which are specifically associated with the stone. It was apparently used to ward off the evil eye, and could protect a person from curses and liver trouble. During the medieval period, the lore concerning Topaz was expanded upon. It was said to cool boiling water, become invisible when in contact with poison, and cure everything from asthma and hemorrhoids to insomnia and the plague. Its powers were seemingly linked to the moon, and thus waxed and waned according to the lunar phases.

Topaz is mentioned in both the Bible and the Torah, as the second of twelve stones which decorated the breastplate of the High Priest of ancient Israel.  The design for the Breastplate was given by God to Moses, whose brother Aaron was the first to wear it. Each of the gemstones on the Breastplate was inscribed with the symbol for one of the Twelves Tribes of Israel. Topaz was most likely inscribed with the Tribe of Simeon.  In later Christian lore, Topaz was thought to correspond to the apostle Matthew.  But, a close examination of the language of the text shows that the gemstones on the Breastplate are not so easily defined.  The biblical version that many people quote is based on the King James Bible, which translated the Greek word topazios into Topaz.  Today, most scholars believe that a more accurate translation of topazios is the mineral Chrysolite (Yellow Peridot).

The original stones known as Imperial Topaz were actually pinkish-orange, rather than golden-orange.  They were mined in Russia’s Ural Mountains in the 19th century and were the leading source for gem-quality Topaz at the time.  They were called “Imperial” to honor the czars and the best gems were reserved for the royal family.  In the mid-19th century, Brazilian mines uncovered large Topaz deposits, making the gemstone more affordable and available.  Overtime the Imperial time was given to any vividly-colored Topaz, with the exception of bright blue ones which continue to be called simply Blue Topaz.

A beautiful example of the original Imperial Topaz is the Pink Topaz Suite, as worn by Queen Silvia of Sweden.  The gems were originally part of the dowery of the Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna (1786-1859), daughter of Tzar Paul I and granddaughter of Catherine the Great.  The Grand Duchess married a German noble, and the Pink Topaz were passed down through the maternal line, until eventually being given to Maria’s great-granddaughter, Victoria (1862-1930), who married the King of Sweden.  The Topaz has been a treasured part of the Swedish crown jewels ever since.

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