Published July 2014  •  Updated August 2024  •  Read Time: 6 minutes
Kyanite is a fascinating nesosilicate mineral, closely related to Garnet and Topaz.  It is typically sold as blue blades, but can also be green or black.  While most crystals only have a single hardness level, Kyanite is unique in that it is relatively fragile when it is a long blade, but fairly strong when it is short!  Among crystal healers, it is considered one of the very few “self-cleansing” crystals which constantly clean the energy of everything around them as well as maintaining its own perpetually-clean energy.  Kyanite has a peaceful and serene vibration and is an excellent choice for meditation and for opening the Third Eye Chakra.  It is a phenomenal crystal ally take to therapy and can help us to clearly understand ourselves and others.

Close up of tumbled Kyanite

Kyanite Healing Energy

Spiritual Healing Properties

Kyanite has an exceptionally serene and wise energy. It opens our Third Eye to its fullest extent, allowing us to better access our psychic abilities and intuition. It slices through any illusions we may have about karma or fate, instead showing us that we have the ability to change our path at any time. Kyanite is a fantastic meditation tool, clearing our mind of extraneous thoughts and bringing us spiritual insights and clear connection with our spirit guides. It clears the entire auric field and meridians, as well as energetically cleansing everything it comes into contact with, without needing to be consciously directed to do so.

Vibrations Kyanite
Chakra All
Element Storm
Numerology 4
Zodiac Aries, Taurus and Libra

Emotional Healing Properties

Kyanite helps us to feel grounded, empowered and clear-sighted. It soothes away feelings of anxiety, anger, and other intense emotions. It can also help us to see and understand the truth about ourselves and others. This allows us to better “own” our emotional responses and actions, rather than denying or hiding them. Likewise, Kyanite helps us to clearly communicate; both to make our own needs and desires known, as well as to accurately hear and understand what we are being told by others. Wherever we have emotional blocks, trauma, or negative patterns in place, Kyanite can help us remove the negative energy and make positive changes that will lead us to an unshakable peace of mind.

Mental Healing Properties

Kyanite clears away “mental fog” and allows us to see the truth of any situation easily and clearly, and to make the correct decision without undue hesitation. It invites us to explore our emotional patterns, thoughts, and beliefs and determine whether or not they are in alignment with our Highest Good. Kyanite helps us to clearly organize our priorities and to stop habitually giving energy to low priorities. Kyanite is a wise stone and, when used for communication and planning, it can help us be more diplomatic, more effective negotiators, and better leaders in every sense

Physical Healing Properties

Kyanite is recommended for anyone who needs to reduce their blood pressure and create a more peaceful life. It encourages us to make sensible changes, at a sensible speed and to allow ourselves adequate time to heal and find our balance. Kyanite helps us to prioritize our health, rather than avoiding problems until they become a crisis. If we need to visit a doctor, Kyanite helps us to go. If we need to change our habits, it helps us to stay focused and not get overwhelmed. Kyanite is an excellent talisman for anyone who has suffered a brain injury, including concussions, seizures or a stroke. It is a comfort to hold when trying to rebuild neural pathways that have been damaged, particularly those affecting our memory or our ability to communicate.

Geology of Kyanite

Where does Kyanite come from?

The highest quality Blue Kyanite is found in Nepal. Additional significant deposits are located in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, India, Kenya, Myanmar (Burma), Norway, Switzerland, the United States (North Carolina and Virginia), and Zimbabwe.

Mining and Treatments

Typically mined from the primary deposits which still have their original relationship with the host rock; it is mined largely for industrial purposes to produce heat-resistant materials, ranging from spark plugs and to porcelain baking pans.

All Kyanite is natural, enhanced only by tumbling, cutting, and polishing.

Kyanite Placeholder

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Mineral Family

Kyanite is a nesosilicate mineral.  Silicates are minerals which contain the elements silicon (a light gray shiny metal) and oxygen (a colorless gas). Together, these two elements form a tetrahedron – a shape similar to a pyramid – with a silicon atom in the center and oxygen atoms at each of the four corners. These tetrahedra connect with other chemical structures, in six different ways, to form various minerals and rocks. There are six main groups of Silicate minerals. Kyanite belongs to the nesosilicates group, in which the Silicate tetrahedra are not directly attached to each other.

Kyanite’s energy works well with its family – other nesosilicate minerals.  Try it in combination with Chiastolite, Dumortierite, Garnet (Almandine, Grossular, Hessonite, Rhodolite, Uvarovite), Peridot, and Topaz

Kyanite Formation and Crystal Associates

Kyanite typically forms during the metamorphism of clay-rich sediments, and is usually found in metamorphic rocks such as schist and gneiss. It has also been found in pegmatite veins. Kyanite grows in groupings of elongated flattened blades.

Kyanite’s energy works well with its “friends” – crystal associates formed in the same geological environment.  Try it in combination with Fuchsite, Muscovite, Ruby, Rutilated Quartz

In India, Kyanite is found fused together with some of these associates.  Ruby Kyanite may have a balanced mixture of the two minerals, or one mineral or the other may dominate.  By contrast, with Ruby Fuchsite it is always red Rubies growing within the larger green Fuchsite, and in some cases the Rubies are encircled by a thin ring of blue Kyanite.

Mineralogy Kyanite
Chemical Formula Al2O[SiO4]
Cleavage Perfect
Color blue (most desirable) to colorless, blue-green, brown
Crystal System Triclinic
Form/Habit Bladed
Fracture Fibrous, brittle
Hardness – Mohs Scale 4-4.5 parallel to the lines, 6-7 perpendicular the lines
Luminescence Red, very weak (long and short wave)
Luster Silky
Mineral Family Garnet Group
Specific Gravity 3.53-3.7
Streak White
Transparency Opaque

History of Kyanite

Kyanite is a relatively “new” stone for the metaphysical community and so was not included in any ancient or medieval lapidaries, texts which describe gemstones and their powers. Likewise, there are no historical legends directly associated with the stone.  It comes in a variety of colors including green and orange. However, the most common color is blue. In fact, the name Kyanite comes from the Greek kyanos, meaning “dark blue.”

Kyanite was formerly known as Disthene, which means “two strengths.” This refers to the mineral’s unique variable hardness. While most stones can be broken in any direction using roughly the same amount of force, Kyanite has a weaker and a stronger side. When scratched parallel to the lines, it has a MOH’s Hardness of only 4.5, similar in hardness to stones like Apophyllite and Charoite. However, when it is scratched perpendicular, across the lines, it has a MOH’s Hardness of 6, similar to Pyrite or Sugilite. This means that it is easier to break Kyanite lengthwise, than width-wise.

Kyanite offers Perfect Meditation

Is this what you need? Trust your intuition 

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