Published May 2018 • Updated August 2024 • Read Time: 6 minutes
Picasso Jasper is a Red or Pink Jasper mixed with Snow Quartz that is mined in Huánuco, Peru. Depending on the supply chain it may be called just plain Jasper, Red Jasper, Huanucite, or affectionately nicknamed after Pablo Picasso. Its rosy hues are evocative of Picasso’s youthful “Rose Period” when he met his first muse and painted playful images of acrobats and harlequins. All varieties of Jasper have a warm and grounding energy that makes us feel safe and wanted. Picasso Jasper is great for artists who might not feel understood or appreciated. It helps us to find our muse and to be happy in the life we have chosen for ourselves.
Picasso Jasper Healing Energy
Spiritual Healing Properties
Picasso Jasper is a dynamic stone that unites courage and strength with love and gentleness. It helps us to feel safe and secure enough in our physical selves that we dare to more fully explore our spiritual selves. Picasso Jasper helps us to ‘grow up’ in our spiritual and earthly lives and awaken to our full potential. It invites us to move beyond what we have been taught by others and to think for ourselves. It reminds us that we are responsible for our own choices, and the results that follow. Picasso Jasper can be used to activate Kundalini energy, which in turn can spark powerful spiritual experiences. It awakens creative energy in our spiritual practices and helps us to bring any lessons we learn into our earthly life.
Metaphysical Properties | Picasso Jasper |
Chakra | Root, Sacral and Heart |
Element | Earth |
Numerology | 6 |
Zodiac | Taurus and Leo |
Emotional Healing Properties
Picasso Jasper helps us to find a good balance between taking care of ourselves and helping others others. It inspires courage and authenticity in all of our dealings, particularly in romantic relationships. Picasso Jasper heals feelings of shame and guilt, especially those linked to sexuality. It is also a wonderful stone for anyone who needs to work through father-figure issues. Picasso Jasper helps us to break away from the pain of the past and move into a joyful independence. It helps us us to pick ourselves back up, when we have had a set-back, and to try again. Picasso Jasper inspires self-confidence and a steady faith that all will be well. It joyfully promises us that life is good and full of pleasure, for those who dare to seek it out.
Mental Healing Properties
Picasso Jasper encourages us to be true to ourselves. It helps us speak and act honestly and “walk our talk.” It is also helps us to mentally focus and be prolific in our output. It is particularly helpful for artists and entrepreneurs who may find it difficult to finish projects, especially if they are drawn to many creative paths. Picasso Jasper helps us to stay inspired and excited about our work and to methodically do what needs to be done. It also helps us to get over fears of failure and success. Rather than looking outside for approval and validation, Picasso Jasper encourages us to get to work, experiment and see what happens. Picasso Jasper’s energy is at once highly creative and strongly practical.
Physical Healing Properties
Picasso Jasper is used by metaphysical healers to treat the circulatory system and sexual organs. It is said to stabilize pregnancy and to stop internal and external bleeding. Picasso Jasper is also said to be useful for regaining physical strength after an illness.
Geology of Picasso Jasper
Where does Picasso Jasper come from?
Picasso Jasper is found only in Huanucite, in central Peru.
Mining and Treatments
Jasper is mined in tandem with other precious and semi-precious stones in artisanal mines. It is mined from primary deposits which still have their original relationship with the host rock.
All Jaspers are natural, enhanced only by cutting and polishing.
Mineral Family
Picasso Jasper is a Silicate mineral. Silicates are minerals which contain the elements Silicon (a light gray shiny metal) and Oxygen (a colorless gas). Together, these two elements form a tetrahedron – a shape similar to a pyramid – with a Silicon atom in the center and Oxygen atoms at each of the four corners. These tetrahedra connect with other chemical structures, in six different ways, to form various minerals and rocks. There are six main groups of Silicate minerals, and these main groups are further subdivided into secondary subdivisions, such as Quartz and Feldspar. The Quartz family can be further divided into two categories, macrocrystalline and microcrystalline, all of which can be colorless or appear in every shade of the rainbow. Macrocrystalline quartz has well-formed crystals that are large enough to be seen by the naked eye, for example, Amethyst or Clear Quartz. Microcrystalline quartz has crystals so small they can only be seen through a microscope. These are typically grouped together under the name Chalcedony, or it’s subcategories Agate and Jasper.
Picasso Jasper’s energy works well with its family – other true Jaspers. Try it in combination with Bloodstone, Brecciated Jasper, Desert Jasper, Mookaite Jasper, Picture Jasper, and Yellow Jasper.
Jasper, Huanuco, Peru
Picasso Jasper Formation and Crystal Associates
Jaspers typically form in the cavities of igneous rocks, but it can also be found in metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Most Picture Jaspers are found igneous rocks. Following volcanic activity, magma and lava are slowly transformed into igneous rocks broken up with cracks, fissures, other hollows. Jasper is formed long afterwards, when silica-bearing water permeates the rocks and begins to fill these crevices. As the water flows, it picks up an assortment of other trace minerals which give Jasper its coloring and patterns. If the trace minerals are microscopic, the Jasper can have a single uniform color, as is the case with Red Jasper, which gets its vibrant coloring from iron. If the trace minerals are larger, able to be viewed with the naked eye, the Jasper will be spotted like Brecciated Jasper. Picasso Jasper is a type of Brecciated Jasper that has a specific deposit. It is mainly composed of Red Jasper and/or pinkish Jasper and Snow Quartz.
Picasso Jasper’s energy works well with its “friends” – crystal associates formed in the same geological environment. Try it in combination with Barite, Mangano Calcite, Pyrite, and Rhodonite.
Mineralogy | Picasso Marble |
Chemical Formula | SiO2 |
Cleavage | None |
Color | Red, pink, and white |
Crystal System | Hexagonal/trigonal |
Form/Habit | Cryptocrystalline |
Fracture | Conchoidal |
Hardness – Mohs Scale | 7 |
Luminescence | None |
Luster | Vitreous/earthy |
Mineral Family | Tectosilicates |
Specific Gravity | 2.7 |
Streak | White |
Transparency | Opaque |
History of Picasso Jasper
The name “Jasper” is a generic name given to any spotted or multicolored stone. It comes from the French word jaspre, which literally means “spotted or speckled stone” Some Jaspers are “true Jaspers,” meaning they are an opaque variety of spotted Chalcedony, like Brecciated Jasper. However, non-spotted chalcedony is often sold using the name Jasper, as is the case with Red Jasper. The name Jasper is also given to a variety of spotted rocks, most often a form of Rhyolite, for example, Ocean Jasper. Because so many different types of stones may be referred to as a Jasper, it is difficult to know exactly which stone is being referenced in ancient and medieval writings.
Picasso Jasper can be considered a type of Red Jasper or Brecciated Jasper. It can be a very deep blood red or can be pink and is usually mixed with white Snow Quartz. It was originally sold to Moonrise Crystals as just “Jasper” but the next year was sold as “Picasso Jasper.” In the 2020s it was renamed Huanucite by a new Peruvian lapidary, because the Jasper is mined in Huanuco, Peru. Meanwhile the original supplier has reverted to calling it plain “jasper” again.
On Moonrise Crystals the name Picasso Jasper is kept partially for organizational purposes and partially because the reds and pinks are indeed evocative of the painter’s Rose Period (1904-1907). The artist was happy during this period, having just begun a relationship with his first muse, a French model named Fernade Olivier. Her arrival on the scene had abruptly ended the lonely Blue Period in which Picasso focused on scenes of loneliness and poverty. With his muse by his side, the artist painted playful scenes, often including the figure of the harlequin, a type of clown which was one of Picasso’s known alter egos.
Explore crystals with similar energies
These crystals have an energy similar to Picasso Jasper