Published June 2014 • Updated August 2024 • Read Time: 6 minutes
Pink Aventurine is a rare variety of Aventurine, which is famous as a green stone but actually comes in every color of the rainbow including red and pink. Aventurine has a distinctive natural sparkle, an optical affect known as aventurescence, which is caused by trace inclusions of Mica minerals. Without its glitter, it would be a chalcedony. While all pink stones are associated with love, Aventurine is associated with courage and hope. Pink Aventurine’s energy is ideal when we need to be brave in love, whether that means telling someone how we feel about them, deepening the intimacy in a relationship, or daring to love again after heartbreak.
Pink Aventurine Healing Energy
Spiritual Healing Properties
Pink Aventurine urges us to live from the heart and be willing to love boldly. It reminds us that Love is at the center of all true religions, and that anything that counsels hate or disconnection cannot be true. Pink Aventurine helps us to face difficult situations and to act decisively for the Highest Good. It is a stone of great wisdom, reminding us how lucky we are simply to be alive and able to enjoy all this world offers us.
Vibrations | Pink Aventurine |
Chakra | Heart |
Element | Earth and Fire |
Numerology | 3 |
Zodiac | Aries |
Emotional Healing Properties
Pink Aventurine’s energy is all about being heart-centered and happy. It fights depression, anxiety, and other negative emotions, replacing them with confidence in ourselves and the sure knowledge that we are capable of creating a happier future. It is particularly helpful for overcoming fear and grief after a negative romantic experience. Pink Aventurine is a stone of great courage and helps us to be willing to actually heal, rather than secretly wanting to stay stuck in our own story about being wounded. It also teaches us the power and pleasure of connecting with our sensuality and as a result attracts and celebrates healthy romantic relationships.
Mental Healing Properties
Pink Aventurine has a very calming and courageous energy. It helps us to clear our minds of worries and to allow our bodies to relax into deep sleep. It is also very good for fighting nightmares, helping us to quickly wake up and realize that our mental demons can’t hurt us. Moreover, Pink Aventurine can help us to train our minds to create pleasant dreams. Pink Aventurine teaches us that we are strong enough to handle anything life throws at us, whether in reality or just in our own minds. It helps us to find a healthy balance in our romantic relationships and to always look for “win-win” solutions.
Physical Healing Properties
Pink Aventurine is believed to be an excellent stone for healing and regulating the physical heart and circulatory system. Metaphysical healers most often use it as a general first aid stone for infants, children, and the elderly as well as more specifically to treat sleep disorders.
Geology of Pink Aventurine
Where does Pink Aventurine come from?
Aventurine is mined in several locations, Pink Aventurine typically comes from Canada.
Mining and Treatments
Typically mined from the primary deposits which still have their original relationship with the host rock. It is a secondary stone, something that is mined in addition to whatever the main purpose of the mine might be.
All Aventurines are natural, enhanced only through cutting and polishing. “Goldstone” has a similar sparkly appearance, but is a manmade glass.
Mineral Family
Aventurine is a type of Quartz, which is in turn a Silicate mineral. Silicates are minerals which contain the elements Silicon (a light gray shiny metal) and Oxygen (a colorless gas). Together, these two elements form a tetrahedron – a shape similar to a pyramid – with a Silicon atom in the center and Oxygen atoms at each of the four corners. These tetrahedra connect with other chemical structures, in six different ways, to form various minerals and rocks. There are six main groups of Silicate minerals, and these main groups are further subdivided into secondary subdivisions, such as Quartz and Feldspar. Quartz is a large mineral family in its own right, and has two main subdivisions, macrocrystalline (crystals that are large enough to be seen by the naked eye, for example, Amethyst) and microcrystalline (crystals so small they can only be seen through a microscope, for example, Agate). Aventurine is a macrocrystalline. It is most commonly thought of as a green stone, but it can be any color.
Pink Aventurine’s energy works well with its family – other microcrystalline Quartz. Try it in combination with any color of Agate, Chalcedony, and Jasper. It also blends perfectly with other types of Aventurine such as Blue, Green, Orange, Red, White, and Yellow.
Pink Aventurine Formation and Crystal Associates
Aventurine is created when liquid magma from a volcanic explosion cools down and transforms into igneous rock. During this cooling down period, silica acid bubbles shift from being a gas/liquid into a solid compound. The bubble becomes a hollow space in the igneous rock and the silica acid becomes Quartz crystals. Pink Aventurine gets its color from trace particles of Iron, while Mica a little bit of Mica gives it its sparkle.
Pink Aventurine’s energy works well with its “friends” – crystal associates formed in the same geological environment. Try it in combination with Eudialyte, Golden Labradorite, Labradorite, Muscovite, Red Jasper and Thulite.
Mineralogy | Pink Aventurine |
Chemical Formula | SiO2 |
Cleavage | None |
Color | Pink |
Crystal System | Hexagonal/trigonal |
Form/Habit | Massive |
Fracture | Conchoidal |
Hardness – Mohs Scale | 7 |
Luminescence | Reddish |
Luster | Aventurescent, Viterous |
Mineral Family | Tectosilicate |
Specific Gravity | 2.65-2.69 |
Streak | White |
Transparency | Translucent, opaque |
History of Pink Aventurine
Aventurine may be considered relatively “new” healing stones whose properties have only recently begun to be explored. Aventurine was not included as a distinct mineral in most early lapidaries, texts which describe gemstones and their powers. The one thing we absolutely know about the history of Aventurine is how it got its name. It comes from the Italian a ventura, meaning “by chance.” The name actually refers to the 18th century discovery of Goldstone, a man-made sparkly glass, which is usually golden-orange or blue-purple. Goldstone has a distinctive sparkle. Natural Aventurine also sparkles, although less uniformly.
One of the ways that geologists identify stones is by their luster, or how light reflects off a stone. For example, Quartz has a vitreous, or glass-like, luster, while Hematite has a metallic luster, and Jade has a waxy luster. Every stone has a luster, but a few special stones have an additional optical effect. For example, Tiger’s Eye has chatoyancy, which refers to luminous moving bands that seem to move up and down the surface of the stone when it is moved in the light. Another example is Labradorite’s iridescence, known as the schiller effect. Labradorite initially appears to be a dull greenish-grey stone, but when it’s moved in the light, brilliant vivid colors appear.
Aventurescent is another optical affect, it is the official geological term for stones that glitter. Only two natural gemstones have this quality, Aventurine and Sunstone. Both of these minerals are silica minerals, Aventurine is a Quartz, while Sunstone is a Feldspar. Aventurine can be translucent or opaque, depending on the thickness of the stone and how many trace minerals are inside. Red, pink, yellow, and orange Aventurines get their coloring from a combination of Iron and Lithium. Green Aventurine gets its coloring from chromite. The aventurescence is from trace mica minerals, which is why Aventurine is sometimes described as having Fuchsite (green mica), Lepidolite (purple mica), or Muscovite (colorless and any color mica).
The line between red vs pink isn’t always obvious, and may be subject to personal opinion. From a scientific perspective, a Pink Aventurine has only a little iron and lithium inside, while a Red Aventurine has a lot. Sometimes these stones are sold under the marketing name of Strawberry Quartz. If the Strawberry Quartz is a solid color without any aventuresence it might be more accurate called Hematite Quartz or Red Quartz. If it sparkles, then it is an Aventurine.
Explore crystals with similar energies
These crystals have an energy similar to Pink Aventurine