Published July 2023  • Updated August 2024  •  Read Time: 5 minutes
Scolecite is a sweet Zeolite crystal that grows in thin long needles.  Sometimes the needles grow so closely together that they fuse together.  But when polished, the individual needle crystals can be seen.  Scolecite is usually white, but can be pink or orange.  Most of the Pink Scolecite sold to collectors comes from huge Basalt mines in India.  The Basalt is used for roads and railways, while the Scolecite and other secondary minerals are picked out by artisanal miners and sold abroad.  Pink Scolecite is a peace stone with a very warm and loving energy. It lifts us up, helps us to be well, and encourages us to give the same good energy to others.

Close up of tumbled Pink Scolecite

Pink Scolecite Healing Energy

Spiritual Healing Properties

Pink Scolecite is a stone of love and peace that helps us to hear the guidance of the Divine and our guardian angels.  While most peace stones have a cool and calm energy, Pink Scolecite offers the kind of peace that is found in a warm and comforting hug.  It encourages us to open our heart and arms to others, and to offer that same warm comfort whenever possible.  It helps us to realize the complexity of the human experience and to have compassion for all beings.  Pink Scolecite teaches us to be both good and wise.  It gently nudges us to take action and make a positive impact, rather than rely on thoughts and prayers.  It invites us to become real peacemakers, a role far greater than just “keeping the peace.”  It asks us to be willing to do the hard work in the present moment, even if it’s uncomfortable, so that a better future for all is possible.

Vibrations Scolecite
Chakra Solar Plexus, Heart, Third Eye and Crown
Element Wind
Numerology 1
Zodiac Capricorn

Emotional Healing Properties

Pink Scolecite teaches us to offer support generously without strings attached.  It helps us to sit in non-judgement, holding space for others.  It asks us to recognize that we all have our own path to walk, and that we can’t expect someone to walk our path when they must walk their own.  Pink Scolecite helps us to build welcoming communities and to see strangers as friends that we just haven’t met yet.  It is a wonderful stone for cultivating friendships and being more active on a local level.  It can also help us to recognize what we personally need in order to thrive.  Pink Scolecite shows us the desires of our deepest heart.  If we worry that what we love will be rejected or mocked by others, Pink Scolecite helps us to be brave.  It teaches us that when we love what we love, the world becomes a far more interesting and joyful place.

Mental Healing Properties

Pink Scolecite teaches both emotional and social intelligence.  It help us to have a healthy mind that is balanced and relaxed, rather than consumed by anxiety and/or depression.  It helps us to see the “big picture” and to view the world from a compassionate and curious perspective.  It reduces egocentric thinking and helps us to take an active interest in other people.  It encourages us to give the gift of remembrance to our loved ones, to remember that other people are having big lives too and want to be seen and invited to share what they are experiencing.  It reminds us to ask about hardships, but also to celebrate the small pleasures and to ask questions about the subjects that are important to other people.

Physical Healing Properties

Pink Scolecite is recommended when we are exploring how our feelings are connected to our brain chemistry and the needs of our physical body.  It reminds us that sometimes our negative feelings accurately reflect what is going on around us.  But, other times, our feelings are a clue for what’s happening inside us.  For example, we may be feeling depressed because of a sad situation, or we might be feeling bad because our serotonin levels have gotten too low.  Or perhaps we feel anxious, but that emotion is tied to dehydration.  Scolecite helps us to gently check in with ourselves and see if our emotions match the outside or the inside.  Pink Scolecite is especially good if our feelings are tied to our thinking habits rather than to anything happening in our body or world.  If we tend to jump to conclusions or catastrophize, this sweet stone kindly redirects our thoughts in a more productive direction.

Geology of Pink Scolecite

Where does Pink Scolecite come from?

Scolecite is found in small deposits in numerous countries and is usually white.  Pink Scolecite is found mainly in India, but is sometimes found in Australia as well.

Mining and Treatments

Scolecite is mined at its primary deposit.  In Maharashtra, India it is typically mined as a byproduct of Basalt.

Pink Scolecite Placeholder
Pink Scolecite

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Mineral Family

Scolecite is a relatively common Zeolite found in igneous rocks. It is mostly composed of water and calcium, with only minor traces of sodium and potassium. It typically grows as needle-like crystals or in fibrous aggregations.

Scolecite’s energy works well with its family – other Zeolite minerals.  Try it in combination with Stilbite.

Scolecite Formation and Crystal Associates

Scolecite is a Zeolite, a Silicate mineral.  Silicates are minerals which contain the elements Silicon (a light gray shiny metal) and Oxygen (a colorless gas). Together, these two elements form a tetrahedron – a shape similar to a pyramid – with a Silicon atom in the center and Oxygen atoms at each of the four corners. These tetrahedra connect with other chemical structures, in six different ways, to form various minerals and rocks. There are six main groups of Silicate minerals, and these main groups are further subdivided into secondary subdivisions, such as Quartz and Feldspar. Scolecite belongs to the Zeolite group, in which the stones have an open crystal structure that contains cavities in which molecules of water can be trapped. Zeolites are not well known outside of geological circles. In metaphysical circles, Stilbite is probably the most well-known, followed by Scolecite.  Both of these minerals are typically white, but can appear salmon-pink or pale orange due to trace inclusions of iron.

Scolecite’s energy works well with its “friends” – crystal associates formed in the same geological environment.  Try it in combination with Apophyllite

Mineralogy Pink Scolecite
Chemical Formula Ca[Al2Si3O10], 3H2O
Cleavage Perfect
Color Pink
Crystal System Monoclinic
Form/Habit Thin prismatic
Fracture Uneven, brittle
Hardness – Mohs Scale 5-5.5
Luminescence Blueish-white (long wave) / Yellow (short wave)
Luster Silky, Vitreous
Mineral Family Zeolites
Specific Gravity 2.21-2.29
Streak White
Transparency Transparent to opaque

History of Pink Scolecite

Scolecite is a relatively “new” stone to the metaphysical world and so its properties are still being explored. It was not included in any of the old lapidaries, texts that describe gemstones and their powers. Scolecite name comes from the Greek skolek meaning “worm” because of the way it reacts to the blowpipe test, one of the more complex ways geologists identify minerals. Essentially, a fragment of a mineral is placed in the cavity of a charcoal block and a blowpipe is used to send a horizontal flame across it. Each mineral reacts in a different way. Sometimes the color of the mineral changes, sometimes the color of the charcoal. Sometimes the mineral will curl into a bead, or give off fumes or even volatilize and disappear completely! In the case of Scolecite, it shoots out small worm-like projections.

While Scolecite was known in the 20th century, Pink Scolecite is a 21st century healing crystal. It ranges in color from pale pink to salmon-orange.  The line between pink vs orange isn’t always obvious, and may be subject to personal opinion.  Pink stones are associated with love and compassion, while orange stones symbolized confidence and optimism.  Pink-orange stones like this are ideal for being hopeful about all matters of the heart.

Pink Scolecite offers Warm Peace

Is this what you need? Trust your intuition 

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