Published September 2014  •  Updated August 2024  •  Read Time: 6 minutes
Rutilated Quartz combines delicate needles of pure Rutile in a protective bubble of Clear Quartz.  The Rutile grows first in an empty cavity that is later filled with liquid silica that hardens into Quartz.  Rutile is an Oxide mineral, similar to Hematite.  While pure Hematite is often tumbled and sold in healing crystal shops, pure Rutile is more likely to be sent to a factory to be crushed and smelted for Titanium.  Fortunately, the striking combination of Rutilated Quartz is so beautiful and takes a polish so smoothly that it is often set aside for collectors.  It is a wonderful stone for the mind, helping us to see clearly and be filled with hope.

Close up of tumbled Gold Rudilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz Healing Energy

Spiritual Healing Properties

Rutilated Quartz infuses our spirit with an incredibly pure vibration of Light and Joy. It encourages us to step into our own Spiritual Greatness, and to not stay ‘little’ when the Divine longs for us to play ‘big.’ Rutilated Quartz enhances psychic and intuitive gifts, and gives strength to long-distance energy readings and healing. It can similarly be used to amplify manifestation, helping us to proclaim to the Universe, loud and clear, whatever we most desire. Rutilated Quartz increases our conscious connection to our Angel Guides and reminds us that we are divinely protected. This stone is particularly helpful for therapists and other healers who spend the majority of their working hours around people with heavy or negative energy. Rutilated Quartz filters the negative energy so that it cannot attach to the healer, while simultaneously supporting each client to find new epiphanies.

Vibrations Rutilated Quartz
Chakra  All
Element Storm
Numerology 4
Zodiac Taurus and Gemini

Emotional Healing Properties

Rutilated Quartz has a very hopeful energy that brings peace to our hearts and minds. It is an anti-depressant crystal which can help us to feel less burdened and overwhelmed during trying times as well as in our regular daily life. Rutilated Quartz is a stone for new beginnings, and can help us to start new habits and projects that will bring us happiness. It promises that new beginnings can happen with ease, and that we don’t need to struggle in order to grow. Rutilated Quartz stabilizes romantic relationships and helps us to feel emotionally balanced. It encourages us to enjoy sex and to release negative beliefs about sexuality and sensuality.

Mental Healing Properties

Rutilated Quartz sharpens the memory making it an excellent study aid. It can also be used to help us remember our dreams, both the sleeping and the wakeful varieties. Rutilated Quartz encourages us to stop procrastinating and start making our best dreams come true. It encourages us to dream big, to build our castles in the sky and then figure out how to place a foundation underneath them.

Physical Healing Properties

Rutilated Quartz is used by metaphysical healers to treat “phantom pain” after amputations, to counter addictions and to reduce the power of PTSD. It is also said to stimulate hair growth and reduce hair loss. Rutilated Quartz is believed to improve the digestive process and help the body absorb nutrients more effectively.

Geology of Rutilated Quartz

Where does Rutilated Quartz come from?

The majority of Rutilated Quartz on the market comes from Brazil and Madagascar. It has also been found in Australia, Austria, Belgium, England, France, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States.

Mining and Treatments

Rutile is a minor mineral found in a variety of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Most individual Rutile crystals are very small, but they can be found in large quantities. Rutile is extracted for manufacturing purposes, mainly to make ceramics, as a pigment and in the production of titanium – the metal commonly used to build airplanes, spaceships, ships, and missiles. Occasionally beautiful pieces of Rutilated Quartz are found and sold as collector’s pieces.

Synthetic Rutile has been produced since the 1940s for industrial purposes. However, all Rutilated Quartz on the market may be considered fully natural, enhanced only by tumbling, cutting and polishing.

Rutilated Quartz Placeholder
Rutilated Quartz

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Mineral Family

Rutilated Quartz is technically a rock, rather than a mineral. As an easy way to understand the difference, think of rocks as being like cookies and minerals as being the ingredients which make up those cookies. Many different minerals are used to create a rock! In this case, Rutile is enclosed within Clear Quartz or Smoky Quartz.  Rutile is an Oxide mineral. The Oxide family has closely-packed Oxygen atoms with tiny bits of metal or semi-mental atoms occupying the space between. There are two forms of Oxide minerals, “simple Oxides” which only have a single type of metal or semi-metal, and “complex Oxides” which have multiple metals and/or semi-metals.  Rutile is a simple Oxide.

Rutilated Quartz’s energy works well with its family – other Quartz-included minerals.  Try it in combination with Auralite 23, Merlinite, and Super Seven. Rutile’s energy works well with other Oxide minerals, including ChrysoberylLodestone, Ruby, and Sapphire.

Rutilated Quartz Formation and Crystal Associates

Rutile and Quartz can both be formed in igneous rocks. In this case, the Rutile grows first, and then the Quartz crystal grows around and eventually engulfs the Rutile crystal. Enclosed crystals in Quartz are sometimes called inclusions, or more properly, protogenetic minerals. Rutile most often grows as a microscopic inclusion in other minerals. The famous “star” in Star Sapphires and Star Rubies is entirely due to tiny Rutile inclusions.

Rutilated Quartz’s energy works well with its “friends” – crystal associates formed in the same geological environment.  Try it in combination with Amethyst and Hematite

Mineralogy Rutilated Quartz
Rock Type Silicate  & Oxide Rock
Major Minerals Quartz and Rutile
Minor Minerals
Color Gold Rutile enclosed in transparent Quartz
Texture Vitreous
Transparency Transparent to opaque

History of Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz comes in two basic varieties, gold and pink, the color being determine by how much Iron is in the mineral composition. The named Rutile comes from the Latin rutilus, or red, in reference to the deep red variety of the mineral.  Golden Rutilated Quartz has also been nicknamed “Venus’ Hair Stone” and later “Angel Hair Stone”, since the long thin needles of Rutile are as thin as a single strand of hair, with a glorious golden shine. In a similarly romantic vein, Gold Rutilated Quartz was thought to be sunshine captured inside Quartz, and could be used to bring hope in one’s darkest hour. Pink Rutilated Quartz has been compared to the arrows of love, used by Cupid.

Cupid is the son of Venus, the goddess of love, conceived during an affair with Mars, the god of war.  Venus was married to Vulcan, a disfigured god of industry and hard work, but she was attracted to the handsome and virile god of war.  They were caught in the act and Vulcan was enraged.  But Neptune, the god of the ocean, defended the lovers and offered to pay for their freedom.  Venus was then free to pursue her own romantic adventures, unincumbered by a jealous husband.  She was often accompanied by her son Cupid, who gleefully did her bidding. Together they often conspired to meddle in the lives of gods and mortals alike.  Cupid had two types of arrows, some tipped with lead which cause fear and repulsion, and other tipped in gold which create love and desire.  Occasional Cupid would use his arrows to cause mischief, but mother and son were ultimately tenderhearted and most stories end in happily ever after.

Rutilated Quartz offers Total Integration

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