Published April 2016  •  Updated March 2024  •  Read Time: 5 minutes
Stichtite is a a fabulous purple mineral that is found in a few small deposits around the world.  Most of the specimens on the market, however, are from the island of Tasmania, off the coast of Australia.  This is also the only known deposit for Atlantisite, a striking combination of rich purple Stichtite and vivid green Seprentine.  In it’s pure form, it has one of the most joyful and youthful energies of any healing crystal.  It can help us to bounce back after set backs and heal cleanly after emotional trauma.  It can help us to forgive and to give other people the benefit of the doubt, and be willing to love again.

Stichitite stichtite meaning

Stichtite Meaning

Spiritual Healing Properties

Stichtite connects our spiritual lives directly with our hearts, helping us to fully access our Highest Self. It awakens the Kundalini spirit and invites it to rise and bring its power into our Heart and Crown Charkas. It protects us from negative energy and encourages to be more loving and forgiving in our relationships with others, as well as with ourselves. It can also help us to be more childlike and see life with wonder and curiosity, letting go of jaded “adult” perceptions that often do not serve us or the larger world. Working with Stichtite ensures that our spiritual life is infused with laughter and delight.

Metaphysical Properties Stichtite
Chakra Root, Heart, and Crown
Element Wind
Numerology 5
Zodiac Virgo

Emotional Healing Properties

Stichtite is a joyful and friendly stone, encouraging us to be more affectionate and self-confident. It reminds us that life is short, and far too good, to waste time with fear or doubt. Any opportunity to express love should be seized and celebrated! During times of emotional trauma, Stichtite can help us to bounce back, and let go of whatever disappointment, anger, grief, or depression threatens us. It teaches us the importance of interdependence, allowing us to ask for help as needed and to give help as warranted. It stimulates cooperation, unity, and a great love and compassion for mankind as a whole, and individuals in all their imperfect beauty.

Mental Healing Properties

Stichtite helps us to see the other side of situations more easily and to focus on whatever solution is most just. It encourages us to work together with others, finding areas of agreement and similarity, rather than focusing on what separates us. Stichtite reduces our impulse to judge quickly and harshly, instead encouraging us to give people the benefit of the doubt whenever possible. It encourages us to think lovingly and logically, seeing the two thinking styles as a single energy rather than as opposed constructs.

Physical Healing Properties

Stichtite is believed to stimulate physical resilience and calm the nervous system. It is said to be particularly useful for helping people to recover from long illnesses or major physical trauma. It is used by metaphysical healers to heal spinal injuries as well as numerous brain degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and dementia. It is also said to be useful for treating tension headaches, hernias, tooth conditions, and to reduce food cravings. It is believed to be very good for the skin, helping us to keep it looking and feeling young and healthy.

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These crystals have an energy similar to Stichtite

Stichtite Mineralogy

Where does Stichtite come from?

Large deposits of Stichtite have been found in Afghanistan, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, England, Germany, Italy, and the United States. Smaller deposits are also been reported in India, Morocco, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, and Zimbabwe.

Mining and Treatments

In most mining operations, Stichtite is a rare secondary stone. One of the more important Stichtite mines is located in Tazmania, Australia. This mine is also the sole producer of Atlantasite, which is a combination of purple Stichtite and green Serpentine.

All Stichtite is natural, enhanced only by tumbling, cutting, and polishing.

Stichtite Placeholder

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Mineral Family

Stichtite is a Carbonate mineral. Carbonates are an important part of the Earth’s crust and are found in sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks. Carbonates are minerals which contain the carbonate group CO3 as their basic structural unit. They form in a trigonal system with one carbon atom centrally located between 3 oxygen atoms. While there are over 70 types of Carbonate minerals, the most common are Dolomite, Siderite, and Calcite. Stichtite is one of the rarer Carbonite minerals and is primarily composed of Chromium and Magnesium.

Stichtite’s energy works well with its family – other Carbonite minerals.  Try it in combination with Aragonite, Azurite, Calcite, Magnesite, Malachite, Rhodochrosite, and Stichtite

Stichtite Formation and Crystal Associates

Stichtite is as an alteration product of Chromite, a silvery Oxide mineral which is one of the primary alloying ingredients used to make stainless steel. Chromite can grow in a variety of different environments, but can only be altered into Stichtite when the Chromite forms within metamorphic Serpentine stones. When bright purple Stichtite forms next to bright green Serpentine, they create another healing crystals, commonly known as Atlantisite.

Stichtite’s energy works well with its “friends” – crystal associates formed in the same geological environment.  Try it in combination with Atlantisite and Serpentine

Mineralogy Stichtite
Chemical Formula Mg6Cr2CO3(OH)16·4H2O
Cleavage Perfect
Color Purple, pink
Crystal System Triaoanal, Hexagonal
Form/Habit Fiberous
Fracture Unknown
Hardness – Mohs Scale 1.5-2
Luminescence None
Luster Waxy or resinous
Mineral Family Carbonate
Specific Gravity 2.6
Streak White to pale purple
Transparency Opaque

History of Stichtite

Stichtite was first documented in Tasmania, Australia in 1910 by the Mount Lyell Mining and Railroad company. The mining company was principally searching for gold, silver, and copper, but along the way discovered many other minerals, including a few new ones. Stichtite was named after Robert Carl Sticht, the manager of the mine where the deposit was discovered. Stichtite has come to the attention of the metaphysical community fairly recently and so was not included in any early lapidaries, texts that describe gemstones and their powers.

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