Petalite teaches us how to cultivate a rich inner tranquility so that we aren't irritated by minor inconveniences and annoyances[...]
Scolecite radiates love and kindness
2023-03-25T12:56:43-10:00Scolecite radiates love and kindness. It encourages us to see all the world as part of our own extended[...]
Shungite helps us to return us to our natural balance
2023-03-25T12:58:25-10:00hungite helps us to return us to our natural balance so that we feel at peace in our heart-of-hearts. It has a soothing[...]
Danburite has a very soft and kind energy
2023-03-23T18:07:41-10:00Danburite has a very soft and kind energy, which comforts us during times of grief. It helps us feel close to our lost loved ones[...]
Diopside encourages a deep connection with Mother Earth
2023-03-23T18:10:24-10:00Diopside encourages a deep connection with Mother Earth and helps us to better understand and respond to the needs of all beings[...]
Red Jasper stabilizes fragile pregnancies
2023-03-25T11:48:40-10:00Red Jasper is used by metaphysical healers to stabilize fragile pregnancies and to protect the health of embryos and fetuses[...]
Dragonstone ignites a powerful courage
2023-03-24T17:53:37-10:00Dragonstone ignites a powerful courage and strength for the momentous moments in our lives. It loudly proclaims that We Are Worthy[...]
Bloodstone is a talisman for leukemia
2023-03-23T16:04:51-10:00Bloodstone is used by metaphysical healers to treat leukemia, as well as to strengthen and revitalize the entire physical body[...]
Stilbite supports us when we are overwhelmed
2023-03-25T13:57:42-10:00Stilbite has a very soft energy that supports us when a difficult situation threatens to emotionally overwhelm us[...]
Petrified Wood is a talisman for anyone who has a deep connection
2023-03-25T10:56:09-10:00Petrified Wood is a talisman for anyone who has a deep connection to the natural world. It vibrates with earth magic[...]
Black Obsidian is a powerful grounding stone
2023-03-23T16:01:38-10:00Black Obsidian is a powerful grounding stone that acts as a mirror, revealing the stark truth. It refuses to let us hide behind[...]
Rhodonite gives first-aid to the heart
2023-03-25T11:49:47-10:00Rhodonite gives first-aid to the heart. It helps while a heart is breaking, when it is already broken[...]