Published December 2017 • Updated August 2024 • Read Time: 6 minutes
Yellow Jasper is a true jasper with a bright sunshiny color. Geologically, a Jasper is supposed to be spotted. So if the stone is solid yellow, it’s really a Yellow Chalcedony. But since the word “Jasper” is more popular, it often goes by that nickname. It is often found near Red Jasper because those colors both come from iron inclusions that have been heated to different temperatures. Yellow stones have been exposed to a higher heat than the red ones. Yellow Jasper has a mellow and calm energy. It helps us to handle whatever challenges life throws at us, while keeping a smile on our face and showing a friendly heart to the world.
Yellow Jasper Healing Energy
Spiritual Healing Properties
Yellow Jasper has a profoundly sensible energy that brings balance and well-being to every aspect of our life. Like other Jaspers, it helps us pursue our goals, but this sunny gem does so in the calmest manner. It reminds us that progress is made step-by-step and day-by-day. We don’t need to rush and neither do we need to procrastinate. Instead, we just steadily move forward in a relaxed and happy manner. Yellow Jasper teaches us the spiritual side of mundane work. It shows us that we can chop vegetables, wash dishes, clean the bathroom or any number of other tasks, in such a way that it is elevated to an act of devotion. That our work can please the Divine and be a gift of service to our beloveds. Yellow Jasper protects against negativity, boredom and resentment. It helps us to do whatever needs to be done, without added stress or resistance. It also protects us during travel, be it physical or spiritual.
Vibrations | Yellow Jasper |
Chakra | Solar Plexus and Root |
Element | Earth |
Numerology | 6 |
Zodiac | Taurus and Leo |
Emotional Healing Properties
Yellow Jasper gives us calm courage to deal with whatever life gives us. It offers us a great gift for endurance and the ability to accept reality, even if it’s unpleasant or unfair. It helps us to shrug away our resentment and irritation and simply get to work. It gently grounds and empowers us. If we are prone to anxiety and tend to blow our fears out of proportion, Yellow Jasper will swiftly cut the fears back down to their proper size. Yellow Jasper helps us to get back into the present moment, rather than allowing us to get lost in useless thoughts about the past or future. Yellow Jasper is an excellent crystal to work with when our relationships are out of balance and need extra support and patience. It helps us to disengage from conflict and to recognize where/how our own responsibility lays. Yellow Jasper encourages benevolence and generosity, while also keeping us from going so far that we can be abused by others. Yellow Jasper shows us the sweet spot where we can live in harmony.
Mental Healing Properties
Yellow Jasper inspires us to take our creative ideas and put them into action. When we need to focus for an extended period of time, Yellow Jasper gives us endurance and helps us to work through complicated ideas in an organized manner. It encourages problem-solving and helps us to think rationally and linearly. Yellow Jasper clears up mental fogs and helps us to figure out what we need to do next. It guides us to make reasonable plans and reduces any tendency towards procrastinate. When we are in error, it helps us to accept responsibility for our mistakes and false-beliefs, and to change course swiftly. It helps us to be very honest in our thinking, even when the reality is less than ideal. Yellow Jasper is a fantastic talisman for scientists, engineers, and inventors as well as anyone who would like to be logical at work or in their personal life.
Physical Healing Properties
Yellow Jasper is used by metaphysical healer to treat the endocrine system, sooth indigestion and stomach problems. It is also believed to help strengthen the immune system and help the physical body recover strength after a serious illness. Yellow Jasper is said to reduce insomnia and help us feel generally better both physically and emotionally.
Geology of Yellow Jasper
Where does Yellow Jasper come from?
Jasper is found throughout the world and can appear in any color. Some notable deposits for Yellow Jasper are in Australia, Botswana, Italy, and the United States.
Mining and Treatments
Jasper is mined in tandem with other precious and semi-precious stones in artisanal mines. It is mined from primary deposits which still have their original relationship with the host rock.
All Jaspers are natural, enhanced only by cutting and polishing.
Yellow Jasper
Mineral Family
Jasper is a Silicate mineral. Silicates are minerals which contain the elements Silicon (a light gray shiny metal) and Oxygen (a colorless gas). Together, these two elements form a tetrahedron – a shape similar to a pyramid – with a Silicon atom in the center and Oxygen atoms at each of the four corners. These tetrahedra connect with other chemical structures, in six different ways, to form various minerals and rocks. There are six main groups of Silicate minerals, and these main groups are further subdivided into secondary subdivisions, such as Quartz and Feldspar. The Quartz family can be further divided into two categories, macrocrystalline and microcrystalline, all of which can be colorless or appear in every shade of the rainbow. Macrocrystalline quartz has well-formed crystals that are large enough to be seen by the naked eye, for example, Amethyst or Clear Quartz. Microcrystalline quartz has crystals so small they can only be seen through a microscope. These are typically grouped together under the name Chalcedony, or it’s subcategories Agate and Jasper.
Yellow Jasper’s energy works well with its family – other true Jaspers. Try it in combination with Bloodstone, Brecciated Jasper, Desert Jasper, Mookaite Jasper, Picture Jasper, and Red Jasper.
Yellow Jasper Formation and Crystal Associates
Jaspers typically form in the cavities of igneous rocks, but it can also be found in metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Most Picture Jaspers are found igneous rocks. Following volcanic activity, magma and lava are slowly transformed into igneous rocks broken up with cracks, fissures, other hollows. Jasper is formed long afterwards, when silica-bearing water permeates the rocks and begins to fill these crevices. As the water flows, it picks up an assortment of other trace minerals which give Jasper its coloring and patterns. If the trace minerals are microscopic, the Jasper can have a single uniform color, as is the case with Yellow Jasper, which gets its coloring from iron. Red Jasper is also colored by iron, the only difference is the heat at which the stones formed, the yellow color indicates the stone was exposed to higher temperatures.
Yellow Jasper’s energy works well with its “friends” – crystal associates formed in the same geological environment. Try it in combination with Botswana Agate and Hematite.
Mineralogy | Yellow Jasper |
Chemical Formula | SiO2 |
Cleavage | None |
Color | Yellow |
Crystal System | Hexagonal/trigonal |
Form/Habit | Cryptocrystalline |
Fracture | Conchoidal |
Hardness – Mohs Scale | 7 |
Luminescence | None |
Luster | Vitreous/earthy |
Mineral Family | Tectosilicates |
Specific Gravity | 2.7 |
Streak | White |
Transparency | Opaque |
History of Yellow Jasper
The name “Jasper” is a generic name given to any spotted or multicolored stone. It comes from the French word jaspre, which literally means “spotted or speckled stone” Some Jaspers are “true Jaspers,” meaning they are an opaque variety of spotted Chalcedony. Brecciated Jasper is a fantastic example of a true Jasper. Chalcedony without spots is often sold as Jasper. From a purely scientific perspective, healing stones like Yellow Jasper or Red Jasper should be labeled as Yellow Chalcedony and Red Chalcedony. But the name Jasper is more popular from a marketing perspective, and so that is what they are called in most cases. The name Jasper is also given to a variety of spotted rocks, most often a form of Rhyolite, for example, Ocean Jasper. Because so many different types of stones may be referred to as a Jasper, it is difficult to know exactly which stone is being referenced in ancient and medieval writings.
Yellow Jasper may have different names depending on the location. Perhaps the most famous deposit is the Mookaite Jasper deposit in Western Australia. Mookaite can be red or yellow, and is often layered together. For more information, see the history section of Mookaite Jasper.
Explore crystals with similar energies
These crystals have an energy similar to Yellow Jasper