Published February 2015  •  Updated August 2024  •  Read Time: 5 minutes
Zoisite comes in a variety of colors. The most desirable colors are the blue-purple gem known as Tanzanite, and the bright pink variety called Thulite.  It is often thought of as a green gem, because a bright green variety is famously found entwined with Rubies in Tanzania.  However, the original gem first studied by scientists was actually yellow.  It was found in Austria and named Sigmund Zois, a Slovenian noblemen and natural scientist.  Zoisite encourages independence and creativity.  It is a beautiful talisman for anyone suffering from depression or grief, giving us comfort when needed and a push to move forward when appropriate.


Zoisite Healing Energy

Spiritual Healing Properties

Zoisite invites us to let our spirit fly free, and to cast off the chains from society that demand we confirm and follow the rules.  It reminds us that we have a good mind and a good heart, and can walk our own unique path without harming anyone else. It encourages us to live in the moment and to truly see the beauty all around us. It is a stone for spiritual growth and healing, transforming negative vibrations into positive energy. Zoisite is also a very comforting stone to work with when faced with a terminal illness and while contemplating questions of death and immortality.

Vibrations Zoisite
Chakra Root, Heart and Third Eye
Element Storm
Numerology 4
Zodiac Gemini

Emotional Healing Properties

Zoisite gives us emotional strength during times of high stress or illness. It soothes away fear, anger, and hopelessness, and reminds us that we have survived many such times before, and we will survive this one as well.  The gem whispers to us that life is still sweet and far too precious to waste feeling sorry for ourselves. It helps us to stay positive and hopeful for the future, while staying in the moment and focused on whatever is most important.

Mental Healing Properties

Zoisite stimulates our sense of creativity, sense of purpose, and ability to follow through. This makes it an excellent talisman for artists who need to finish creative projects or for anyone starting an unusual business venture. It helps us to remember what we are doing, why we are doing it, and what step to take next! It shakes us out of our inertia when we feel stuck and inspires us to take action.

Physical Healing Properties

Zoisite is a great stone to work with when we are need to consider our physical mortality and the legacy we may leave behind us.  It makes us stop and really think about it, rather than pushing those scary thoughts away or assuming there will be time later.  Zoisite encourages us to write wills, get advanced directives and make decisions while we are still healthy enough to do so.  It reminds us that this grim work, is actually a act of love, for ourselves and for those closest to us.  Zoisite is also a lovely talisman for the heart, spleen, and pancreas.

Geology of Zoisite

Where does Zoisite come from?

Zoisite comes in a wide range of colors and is found in several places around the world.  The most desirable colors is the blue-purple gem Tanzanite, followed by the pink variety called Thulite.  Zoisite can also be green, yellow, brown, grey or colorless.  The green shade of is famous because it is mined in tandem with Ruby in Tanzania.  Some of the more important deposits include

  • Blue/purple “Tanzanite” – Tanzania, also Pakistan, United States
  • Green Zoisite, associated with Ruby – Tanzania
  • Pink “Thulite” – Norway, South Africa, United States

Mining and Treatments

Zoisite is mined in its primary deposit and may be found near Ruby, Jade or other gemstones. The blue-purple variety is the primary purpose of numerous artisanal and small-scale mines.

Green Zoisite and pink Thulite are natural stones, enhanced only through cutting and polishing.  Blue-purple Tanzanite can be natural, but is often heat-treated to bring out a more vivid shade.  In nature, Tanzanite gets its coloring from the heat from grassfires.

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Mineral Family

Zoisite is a Sorosilicate mineral. Silicates are minerals which contain the elements Silicon (a light gray shiny metal) and Oxygen (a colorless gas). Together, these two elements form a tetrahedron – a shape similar to a pyramid – with a Silicon atom in the center and Oxygen atoms at each of the four corners. These tetrahedra connect with other chemical structures, in six different ways, to form various minerals and rocks. There are six main groups of Silicate minerals, and these main groups are further subdivided into secondary subdivisions, such as Quartz and Feldspar. Zoisites belongs to the sorosilicate family, in which two tetrahedral groups share a single oxygen molecule.

Zoisite’s energy works well with its family – other sorosilicate minerals.  Try it in combination with DanburiteDragonstoneEpidote, and Idocrase.  It also works well with other colors of Zoisite including Tanzanite and Thulite.

Zoisite Formation and Crystal Associates

Zoisite is formed by regional metamorphism and by the hydrothermal alteration of igneous rocks. It is sometimes found in Quartz veins and pegmites.

Zoisite’s energy works well with its “friends” – crystal associates formed in the same geological environment.  Try it in combination with Ruby. When found entwined, these are known as Ruby Zoisite.

Mineralogy Zoisite
Chemical Formula Ca2Al3 (SiO4)3(OH)
Cleavage Perfect
Color Green, yellow, blue, purple, pink, brown, grey, white
Crystal System Orthorhombic
Form/Habit Prismatic
Fracture Conchoidal to uneven, brittle
Hardness – Mohs Scale 6-7
Luminescence Orangey-yellow (long wave)
Luster Vitreous
Mineral Family Sorosilicates
Specific Gravity 3.2-3.4
Streak White
Transparency Translucent to Opaque

History of Zoisite

Zoisite is a relatively “new” stone to the metaphysical community and so was not included in any ancient lapidaries, texts that describe gemstones and their powers. While transparent Zoisite crystals may be shaped into gemstones for jewelry, Zoisite is most commonly known as an opaque green mineral that serves as a matrix for low-quality Rubies. For more information, please see: Ruby Zoisite.

Pure Zoisite was first identified in 1797, by Slovanian geologist, Sigmund Zois (1747-1819). He had purchased the yellow mineral from and Austrian dealer and soon after realized it was a brand-new stone which had not been described before. Zois sent the specimen on to his colleague, Abraham Gottlob Werner (1749-1814), the so-called “Father of German Geology.” Werner wrote the first formal description of the new mineral, and named it after Zois.

The most valuable type of Zoisite is the blue/violet found exculsively in the Mererani Hills of northern Tanzania. It was discovered in 1967 and became a popular gemstone due to the marketing efforts of Tiffany and Co. who named the distinctive Blue Zoisite – Tanzanite. The original deposit remains the only know deposit, acutely limiting the available supply and keeping demand high. Today Tanzanite is mined in pits and tunnels deep underground, divided into four blocks, and containing hundreds of individual claims, each closely guarded and mined around the clock.

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